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Like the move with panning that synth in the intro around. I feel like the mix as a whole is pretty muffled though. Sounds like the bass has been boosted and the top has been lopped off. 1:14 it's opened up a lot more. It may just be the bass. That's a lot of low and low mid. I'd recommend something that at least changes in texture somewhat opposed.

Overall, not a lot of critique, other than I would bring out your snare a lot more. As is it sounds like really loud kick, some bass, atmospheric synths in the stratosphere, and lead hi-hat, hehe. I think if it drug on for too very long I'd probably get a headache. I feel it starting. It's just the really heavy low mids on that bass. Leads to a head crushing feeling.

But other than that, great piece. Enjoyed it.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

Enjoying the chord changes here. Nice usage of cleaner instruments. Bass sounds good. I probably would take the bass down about 1 to 2 dB. Brave choice panning it back and forth like that. It gets distracting after a while.

Your writing is great, everything is, even that synth trumpet. Everything passes really nicely, super musical. Your synth drums on drops are just hiding in the mix until about 4:20. That may be even my ears getting fatigued and interpreting that as normal volume levels. This a very long song that keeps you guessing.

I would probably recommend just a bit touchier velocity on that ride cymbal. The hits still sound a little... not natural. And I would take it down some in the mids.

Otherwise, absolutely loved this piece. I was not ready for it to be over. Would have liked to end on a i chord after your last note there, probably 2 beats after that attack.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC! That was a journey :)

Something is going on with chord 3. I think you could try a different inversion or change the bass note and it'll work better.

Mix wise, I would sidechain any elements that are sustaining in your intro. Drop's chords on the sides sound great but I feel they may be overly sidechained.

The percussion is throughout pretty muffled sounding in the 13khz+ plus range. Some of that may have to do with sections of percussion being bitcrushed. Overall I think it has to do with trying to get a spacious sound with loads and loads of reverb. You really don't need that much reverb. Instrumentation and arranging, transition noises, and cymbals accomplish a lot of that. I would turn all your reverb wet signals down by a LOT and low cut up to 250 hz on each of them. By the end, I can hear the reverb wash higher than even some of your auxiliary accompaniment. It covers up a lot of your writing and makes it hard to pick out finer elements of your piece. And in electronic music clarity is key.

Not to mention, reverb grabs freqs on your sustained instruments and pushes them all out of balance. That throws off compression and a lot of other things.

Mix wise your chords on the side are riding all over your bass and perc and I can barely hear them during drops at all. So just turn everything down until you hear the bass and the percussion clearly in those instances. And always mix with your master FX off. It's impossible to make good decisions with them on.

Anyways thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

Really liking the ambience going on here. It's super 'verby and spacious without being overly so, though I would still probably caution to take down the wet signals on any moving parts or apply some surgical low cuts. There are points where the sub gets a hold of a resonant frequency and just runs with it.

Overall I'm just vibing. Give me more hihat sizzle though. The foleys are more sibilant than the hat and that just hurts my soul. Otherwise, great.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

Good use of SFX here in your intro, and lofi piano is holding my interest with its writing. I'm wanting maybe a little crisper sound out of that rather than the crunch. Polyrhythms are nicely written.

I actually think your auxiliary percussion could probably come down. It's just the only instruments in that space. 2:17 by contrast everything sounds perfectly in place. Beautiful. Your transitioning was somewhat muddy to this point, but this is perfect. I could use a little more clarity and less reverb between your instruments, but it's all sounding good. Ghost notes on the drums are sounding good. Still could use more clarity.

The piano chunk up high after that section distorted a bit the first time I heard it.

Great work here. I really enjoyed listening to this piece.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

Glassedhouse responds:

Haha yeah! I make music on an extreme budget so my sound/production with realistic sounding instruments is somewhat limited (Like the piano you mentioned). Composition is my true passion! And I've been learning how to use the more technical side of Ableton for about 3 months now. Regardless, these are all pretty fair criticisms, and I'll definitely take them onto future songs I do in this style. Thank you!

Interesting intro we have so far, and nice spacy vibe. I'm not sure so much about panning the intro lead only into the right channel.

The piece as a whole seems to have roughly the same feel throughout. Nothing offensive sounding. Slow leads. There's not a lot for me to comment on in that regard.

Mix wise, it sounds pretty relaxed. I would bring out the drums some more, but that's about it. It's simple and naked enough that nothing can really hide in the mix.

My main complaint is there aren't really a lot of moving parts to such a slow piece, and it seems to remain mostly the same throughout. I might recommend a look at Kush After Hours' video called rule of pairs. Some of your transitions could be stronger and more moving just by adding something as simple as a white noise sweeping transition sfx. Others, with an arpeggio running up and down the scale. Just something to let the lead out the rear, you know?

But overall not unpleasant at all to listen to. And I say that as a compliment considering you had two weeks to work on this one. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

You get a favorite from me just because I never find any music with Russian lyrics here! Unfortunately I didn't study music production in Russian yet so I can't just leave this review полностью in Russian, но постараюсь, чтобы вы лучше меня понимали.

Мне очень нравится стиль и текст песни. Очень четко выражаются мысли, и мне понравилось читать как вы их переводили. Круто. Хотя, я бы переводила "твою мать" как "fuck!" or "Dammit!"

Иногда мне трудно слышать консонанты в речи, из-за и методов по которым создали записи и миксинга -- сведения. Я бы наложила эффект компрессии. Вокалам вот здесь очень нужна компрессия. Без того, уровень громкости увеличивается и падает, и быстро меняется. Итак, слова станут непонятными. Я нашла для вас видео на русском языке. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ceQFe9iX_A

Гитары мне кажутся слишком тихие. Надо увеличивать может быть до 1-2 децибела. Если вам не звучат круто звуки гитар, то нужно найти другие синтезаторы. Честно говоря, инструменты, которые использовали мне звучат немножко ... недорогие, мягко говоря. Я бы советовала попробовать синтезаторы например Ample Sounds. Они запускали несколько лет назад два бесплатных гитары -- одну бас-гитару, и гитару бренда Тейлор. Возможно, это вам поможет. Я помню другой инструмент -- Junk Guitar, если у вас такая удача имееть Контакт... Это напоминает о том, что Native Instruments запустил бесплатные версии их самых популярных программ. Стоит проверить))

И так продолжаем.

Барабаны практически скрываются в песне, особенно во время припева, когда другие инструменты и певцы сами громче играют и поют чем малый барабан, том-том, итд. Тарелки тоже чуть нехорошо мне звучат. Я бы посоветовала найти другие. Есть синтезаторы, такие как Cymballistic, X-Crash, итд.

Сама мелодия движется по квинтам и октавам. Возможно было бы лучше добавить иногда терции. Мне не очень понравилось, что вокалы следовали ту же самую мелодию, как все остальные инструменты. Может, это точка вашего вскуса. Но я как музыкант бы предпочитала больше разниц между аккордами.

В общем, мне понравилась песня -- наверно из-за того, что я учила русский язык и всегда желаю практиковать слушание. Но обычным нашим пользователям Ньюграундса она наверно немножко трудно слушать. Не могут ее понимать на слух, и поэтому все красивые фразы не помогут голосовать... Имею в виду что они голосуют чуть пониже, просто потому что песня им звучит неразборчивой, и поэтому неприятной. Если вы группа Т.а.Т.у, и у вас хорошие мелодии, которые все бы хотели петь, хотя бы они не знают ни слова русского, то это не считается, но из-за того, что я здесь заметила в комментарии, это действительно вам важно поминать, когда вы исполняете песни.

Ну, думаю что наконец после полчаса написала все что могу. Желаю, что вам полезно будет. Пожалуйста спрашивайте, если кое-что вам непонятно или вопросы есть. И спасибо огромное, что вы поступали в соревновании NGUAC! Мне было прекрасно от вас слышать!

GhostWarriors responds:

Благодарю! Очень рад, что Вам в чём-то понравилась данная композиция!
Да, Вы правы, мне - как и многим другим начинающим музыкантам (композиторам) ещё предстоит многое изучить и многое понять, прежде чем достичь желаемого результата...
Но именно благодаря такой критике, какую Вы подробно описали, я могу учитывать свои недочёты, стараясь их свести к минимуму.

Bell synths sounding good. Mix could use improvement though. It sounds like it was just mixed wayyy too loud before hitting the master -- if there's anything on the master.

The writing itself is great, standard.

I'd like a lot less beat tags throughout.

Your 808 has a good tone to it. The kick is just coming in and distorting with every beat. Try a sidechain and see if that will get it to stop.

Now the piece itself stays the same throughout, as to be expected with a trap beat. I would recommend maybe trying out different structures for future pieces. Writing your first four bars will get you your hook if you just take it two times and write a good changeup on the 7th and 8th bar, or 15th and 16th depending how you structure. Learning about transitioning will help you use the same elements without sounding like you're doing the same thing over and over. It's important to remember, your listeners' ears will get fatigued, after all. I ran into the same problem writing Listerine, if you wanna check out a comparison. The solution was just trying a different structure out and moving some things around on it, then writing in changeups.

Nice fresh piece though. Enjoyed the listen despite the kick issue.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

I really like the overall idea of this piece, but at points it's hard to hear what you're trying to do. It feels like you put in a lot of effort into making this piece sound special, but not really knowing how to accomplish that made the bigger chorus sections stack on top of one another until the melodic elements crumpled in on themselves -- and I say this with absolutely no offense. Listen to some of my older pieces and you'll see I had the same problem. Sometimes still do when I write tbh. It's so tempting to keep adding spice. But soon the dish is nothing but peppers, if that makes sense, and you can't taste the meat.

Mix wise, the glaring problem is reverb. On solo instruments and small sections, it's not super out there, but on your choruses, I would drop the wet signals down by maybe even half, shorten the tails, and EQ or multiband compress from 0 hz to 250 hz down several dB.

Transition at 1:42 is a little messy, busy sounding note wise. Same with 2:07 on that bass. The transition there is cleaner.

2:29 I would actually say your percussion is a little too loud in relation to the bass. It becomes clear why later -- the other synths that come in are too loud. Really I feel everything except the percussion throughout should be turned down so that the bass can be clearly heard.

By 3:35 I thought the song was ready to wind up. I'm aware house tracks can go on for ages though. I'd really prefer something other than that really basic piano synths. Even a triangle wave would sound better to my ears I think.

A lot of things going on here at 4:52. I'm not really able to clearly hear anything going on because of too many moving parts. Open this project back up, and start muting busy saw instruments and see how much more intelligible your idea becomes. That difference is what I'm hearing on your drops.

So I can hear very much you're ambitious and have the drive to go the extra mile. I think maybe studying the principles of structure and transitions would help you most -- then lead writing, in that order. The main problem here seems to be, "I sense I need to bring out something different here, but I don't know really what to do -- I've already made X part really cool. I think I'll just add Y and Z." But we do that without taking anything out of the equation for each new drop. so by the end we have confusing layers of sound that are hard to interpret for someone who hasn't heard the song 200 times like you have while writing it, you know?

I've been recommending this video a lot lately, but search up Kush After Hours, rule of pairs. It's a short video on how to write great transitions, and I think it'll help you a lot toward achieving your vision in future songs.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

делаю хиты 8)



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