I'm here for that ting-ting-tong agogo, and no one can take that enjoyment away from me. Without removing said agogo.
This got me wondering if the PSR-400 sounds are substantially different from the ones loaded in my girlfriend's keyboard. I was thinking of making a sample pack of the different patches. If they're not too different, though, I may recommend this soundfont and record some interesting modulations instead. (EDIT: I checked and she has a PSR 423, so no wonder the patches sound familiar!)
This composition is a bop btw.
ALSO, I just thought of this since you mentioned Casiocore in your tags. Not long ago I put out a CasioTone 2400 sample pack with some soundfonts. From this track, it sounds like you could make it bang! Check my profile if you're interested in that sort of thing.