I think your chords are a bit crowded in the low mid range in your intro, prior to a more aggressive treatment with EQ as you show later on.
Your vocal FX are beautiful bit it's a bit difficult to understand them. I think there should be more compression, perhaps even clipping, transient shaping, stronger chorus, and aggressive EQ to push those vocals into our face. As it is, the shakers are more prominent in the mix than the vocals and that is preventing me from paying them the proper attention!
The same is happening in relation to the bass not having what sounds like a dedicated center -- i.e being too chorused or widened out at the frequencies below 300 hz.
At 3:48 or so I think I hear clipping at the mixer.
Beyond that the song is quite catchy and I enjoyed the listen. Some fixes to the mix such as bringing out your vocals more, a bit more presence for bass, and taking down your shakers slightly should help!
Thanks for coming out to NGADM!