Pretty great for stock FL only. Wow how the DAW has improved over the years.
I would say the bass has a bit too much mids. Like truenotfals mentioned, it's filling up my ears and I'm wanting to hear at least a break in it from sidechain. Maybe sidechain heavier. As we go on, the bass gets seemingly louder and louder -- but clearer as the instruments on the sides back off. Remember, your percussion, namely kick and snare, should be the loudest instrument in your track, even if sidechain is used, they should still be able to cut through without it. I would turn your bass down by up to a dB but not over that.
Otherwise, my comments would run close to trunotfals, with the exception of liking your piano lick and wanting to hear more of it. I also am enjoying your structure. Final gripe would be -- let me hear a nice long sustained i chord at the end! :P
Anyway, nice work. Enjoyed the listen. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!