The easteregg of @Troisnyx as an aristocrat is not something I expected in this piece xD
I think it could have been mixed a tad more consistently across. Just make the fuller voices/mics sound roomier and tinnier, to go with the old-fashioned feel of the dulcimer, then open up those filters and EQs as you approach the body of the piece.
I also would have liked more narration from the pirates or even a swashbuckling poem over this composition; the arrangement is great, but I have the feeling something is missing -- that you wanted to do more with it.
Some of this may be from the very dynamic (quiet) master, with little compression on the larger sections. Additionally, bit MORE dynamic range, from the light and thin dulcimer part, to the entrance of the pirates -- and a bit more fullness as we progress through the day-ruinage, entrance, and romp of the pirates -- would help considerably.
The dulcimer part may need a revisit of individual note velocities, as a period-typical (is that baroque composition?) line is bound to revisit the tonic note many times, and those samples are bound to draw attention. You may also thin out the lower mids and push the dulcimer pack just a tad. A bright, tinny sound at quieter volume, farther from the stage, would introduce another element of transition first and foremost, but add a bit of posh to the sound palette as well.
As we go forward into the composition, these are the only points I find pertinent to mention. Otherwise, your work is harmonious as always, and your overall theme is both funny and original!