Finally getting around to review
Beautiful pads. Woah.
Intro got a nice chord progression. I might layer your snare with a typical rnb downtuned, lopassed snare.
Through Dreams doesn't feel like its own track but rather the same as Swimming. That seems to be intentional with the name
I'm not a huge fan of Watermelon, partly because the mix is off balance. The plucks and lead are quite high in the mix relative to the 808. And I'm not sure about that upper octave note on it -- I think it's 10 cents sharp or so, maybe even a full quarter tone. Sounds good everywhere else and is a nice tone.
Hard Moments approaches a better balance but still has a lead that is quite up there in terms of volume. I would like to hear more of your snare and a wider stereo field on the perc. I dig this one in terms of composition
I got a gossip in the 90s.... what a title haha. I feel the inspiration. This is my favorite so far. Very aesthetic and vapory. All elements sound like they belong, and mix is pretty good. I'd still like a bit more brightness in the mids.
Hot Cocoa is not quite to my taste until it gets going, but the approach to the song is interesting. I might swap out that wubwub for something a bit more gritty and dynamic. You've done a great job on that legato arpeggio in the left channel though! I would bring down the lead in the right though. It's a bit loud!
Pistachio Ice Cream from the note go had me glued to my chair. Such a nice opening chord. Yes. Would love to collab with you some time on a track like this :)
Parkour mode is CLEAN. Making it real hard to pick a favorite here! There are still some mix issues going on with the clarity of percussion versus lead instruments and other track elements, but it's such a bop that I can lay that aside!
Blessed by the Gods -- you're really leaning into the vapor aesthetic here and I love that on the intro. This is the craziest breaks, arps and drops I've heard in a while. Reminds me of the insanity of a particular track on Megaman X Command Mission. LOVE IT. I actually would like to mix this for you, or remix stems -- or just a separate download to cover it. This is CRAZY. 5 for this song alone.
Diabetic Lollipop is a WILD name hahaha. You're really coming through in that aspect. Great arps here. I think the mix could stand to be a bit brighter overall in the high mids, just reduce the volume of the leads and bump up the bass a bit to compensate. Reduce some reverb wet and presto.
Escape from central station -- Gotta love the standard dnb break. I LOVE the drop bass on this. Classic, gentle acid wub. You really make that thing talk. Shredding arps and great rhythmic sense. This is a bop. Some care could be taken to ensure consistent sub presence across all bass patches outside of the fills but otherwise great. I think part of the perception of lack of hi mid could be reduced by adding a little crispy high and high mid to your snare.
Too much information for me also has a sick bass line. At this point I just want to hand you something and say "bassline, go" xD
191 mix is best I have heard out of the album for genre. Nice two step here as well. Not much to say. Another favorite from me. The ritardando is a nice choice.
Mischievous deals -- again, great bassline. Mix is also pretty good! I love the acid elements. I might do some decluttering with your wet FX on heavier sections where the lead is featured. Great song structure. Key change also is fantastic
Will not save you even praying has a great nostalgic intro. Reminds me of old space dystopias I use to play. Great choice on those crispy, crushed breaks as well. You knew exactly what you were doing with that ambiance. It's sort of a cross between sci-fi videogame composition, synthwave, 90s breakbeat, and dark wave. I love it.
Glad you sent me this!