I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

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ADR3-N's News

Posted by ADR3-N - June 3rd, 2014

I'm bouncing-off-the-walls happy right now; finally, it's here!

What's here? My copy of Oblivion for 360 that I ordered a week or so ago, that I've been impatiently awaiting since I got my Skyrim dlc on... and my Samurai Warriors. I hadn't played that game in ages. Anyway, here she is in all her glory! :D (her huge, pixelated glory, lol) And then there's my other loot.

So basically, I'm going to be dividing my time between TribalWars and Oblivion. Talk about vegging out all summer! :D

Oblivion and Gold Membership

Posted by ADR3-N - May 25th, 2014

Yes, ladies and gents, that's right, your resident cool kid hath returned. Why was she gone for like, forever? Well, you see, what had happened was, I went to college for two semesters, had marching band, and then got addicted to Skyrim. I. Fucking. Love. Skyrim. It's my shit.

In fact, I love Skyrim so much that I bought the legendary edition on Amazon, along with some other Xbox loot, mostly because it was cheaper than getting all the DLCs separately, and my best friend (who must really love me) basically perma-loaned me his copy FOREVER ago, and I kinda need another one. It spent a lot of time in the top of someone's closet before I got it -- now I have no idea why anyone would leave a perfectly innocent (maybe this isn't the right word, since, you know, it's about killing dragons and murdering everyone but the essential characters, sexy ladies, and the children), otherwise perfect game in the top of a closet, but we'll skip this part for now and just say it's getting to the point where I'm not exactly confident it'll be readable too much longer -- and it was used when he got it, no case, etc. 'Nuff said, I need to give that thing back before it quits working and I get shanked and accused of defiling it. (Geddit? De-file? As in you can't read the files? .. Okay, okay, not exactly appropriate. My bad.)

Anyway, see, it's a known fact that I'm rather broke, so, you may ask how in the hell I paid for this (and the bajillion other games I snagged over the past week, including Oblivion, Dead Island Riptide, and Samurai Warriors, and then the Microsoft store credit and gold subscription but that's beside the point) ... Between some old, unused gift cards I found under my bed, I had enough to cover all but the last 10 or so bucks.

How did I come up with the rest? Simple.

These two sites:

Bing Rewards

And yes, that's a shameless referral link, haha, but I really do highly reccomend this program. I make about $8-$10 per month just searching. That's at least 2 gift cards per month, easy money! Considering it's entirely free and only takes at most a few minutes a day if you do it legitimately, that's pretty boss. They even have a few bonus offers to speed you along the way to your next redemption, and unlike most other sites, I've never had a problem with my orders, or with points not crediting. Gift cards can deliver to your address or straight to your email, and there's a wide selection to choose from. Especially if you're an Xbox junkie short on funds to fuel your addiction, this is the way to go.


InstaGC is another good site if you're hunting for free stuff. I haven't used it quite as long as I have Bing Rewards, but it offers a wide selection of mostly digital gift cards, and has quite a few offers that are easy to complete. The interface is pretty solid, and I haven't had issues with any offers not crediting. Like most other sites, it works on a 100 point per dollar scale, and most rewards you can redeem are around the 500 point range. Once you get used to it and know the right kind of offers to hunt for, you can make a pretty quick profit, all for free, and snag a card, maybe even get a few free samples on the way (There were some awesome tea samples I got in the mail today, aha) while you're at it. After that, well, what you do with the money is your business. Or maybe it's Amazon's... Lately I seem to use most of my redemptions from EVERYWHERE to cover their ridiculously exorbitant shipping. Pff.. Anyway, long story short, InstaGC is pretty damn cool.


Aaaaand, that's about it; other than failing College Algebra about six months ago, nothing's really happened in my life. Sure, I did the marching band nerd thing (it's paying for my education, shush you! lol) and went through a ton of bad relationships and wrote some terrible songs and did everything under the sun a 19 year old, broke gamer-slash-artist-slash-musician-slash-writer could possibly do to get into trouble, it's pretty much sames-ville here now. Well, okay, I lied, I did get internet, and like I said, those gift cards. I guess I'm doing alright, ehe. Oh, and I started TribalWars again; click the link to join me if you dare. What about you?


Posted by ADR3-N - May 9th, 2013

So, after a couple years, I couldn't ignore the urge to get back into the game again. Joined today in the southwest, if anyone wants to play. Hint-hint. :)

Posted by ADR3-N - December 30th, 2012

So yeah. Last night, while I was browsing teh interwebs (and I hardly ever get to do that, these days), I happened across this person's profile pic, and thought it was a dead ringer for Ashley Williams. (link, in case you're going "The hell is this chick talking about?") If you've played Mass Effect, and you definitely should play it, she's one of the nicer looking crew mates you get to have fun with. *wink*

Anyway, I spent six or so hours with "Stay Awake" -- Ellie Goulding ftw -- on repeat, sketching her out on printer paper in 0.7 lead. Don't honestly like how it turned out, but it's better than I thought it would be.

DA post here. Probably NSFW.

Posted by ADR3-N - April 23rd, 2011

Ach, gawd, why must I be tormented so? .. No matter, on to what I really would like to say.

So, yeah, alright, here goes. My first beef of the day has to be, well, beef. As unfortunate as I have been lately, I recently looked online to discover that my favorite burger (and keep in mind that I already suspected this), the double quarter-pounder with cheese, is a mixture of soy and meat paste. How wonderful is that? Mmm, thanks McDonald's, I sure love all that soy -- tastes so much better than farm fresh meat, right? Hell no. Fuck you, delicious, heart-fat inducing burgers; fuck you!

Second beef is also meat related - fucking chicken nuggets. Anyone know about this? .. This? Or maybe even this? It seems a ton of people are pointing to the same source here, and the general consensus is: no, that metallic taste in your mouth wasn't just your imagination, or that aluminum saturated mutant corn's either; please wait at least one half hour after ingesting butane flavored meat paste before igniting your flammable fix, whatever it may be. Fuck you, chicken nuggets; fuck you all. It's not a public pool, jackasses.

Oh, and guess what? More fucking meat paste - hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, sausage patties - all meat paste. What the hell guys. What the fucking hell.

Also, photoshop.

FML!! >:(

Posted by ADR3-N - March 10th, 2011

Alright, so, I'm guessing you already figured out that as of today, my life officially sucks again. If you want to see the old Japanese-y man, skip to the bottom of of post. If you want to read my rant about being clumsy, go on ahead.

Okay, so first off, not only did I fall down the stairs and land with my head practically up my ass, but I also had a MASSIVE exam to take when I got to school. To add to the frustration, it was my worst subject, Algebra. *rams head into wall* I hate Algebra. Anyway, so I took the exam and went on with my life and my next teacher absolutely refused to let me go to the restroom. Of course, when I nearly peed myself and went anyway, I got detention. Joy, joy, joy...

You see, the thing is, instead of having detention tomorrow, however, it's going to be the Monday after next Monday. Isn't that great? *emphasizing sarcasm here* Well, you know why? It's because after tomorrow (and oh hell to the no, I'm not going to school; you can fan-for-fuckin'-get that), it's officially spring break. I suppose you'd say that's enough for me to be happy about, but oh no, there's more.

Well, today, not only did I have all this happen to me, but before half of this crap happened, it started with this. Now, when I got up this morning at three in the morning (oh, you can believe, I was so happy about that) and took my shower, I thought it was going to at the very least, a slightly normal day. However, apparently, the rest of the world had different plans. When I got out of the shower, I realized that I didn't have any pants to put on, nay a towel. If I didn't have a roommate, now, this wouldn't be a problem, but thanks to that, and my sense of decency, well, that didn't really work out too well. So, after waking up at three in the morning and standing around naked and cold for about thirty minutes, trapped in a bathroom, I finally managed to wake Olivia (my roommate) up and get her short self to find me some clothes before I could come out to the world of the living. Then, at five, when I was making breakfast, lightning struck outside and I ended up dropping a hot omelet on my foot. Talk about smooth moves, x-lax, neh?

And oh no, it doesn't end there either. By the time I got to school, I'd spilled hot coffee on my lap, smacked my head getting in and out of the car, tripped over my own feet, and walked directly into a pole. I think the only thing I didn't do was be late for school. So yes, my day has been the day from hell.. HELL, I TELL YOU!

Oh, and incidentally, I got a few new games and discovered a paint glob that looked like an old man in art class. Think I'm kidding? Here, take a gander at the latter. :b

Epic Failure.. "What the -- old Japanese man under my desk?!"

Posted by ADR3-N - March 7th, 2011

I beh happeh!

But yes, anyway, now, I know some of you have been waiting on me to return to writing and shiet. Well, oh to the fuck well then, biatchezz... Haha, no, just kidding. You see, I've since moved onto fanfiction, since I can't be arsed to be original these days. If you care to take a read, my current outlet is Oerba Yun Fang at Fanfiction.net. Feel free to be a dipshit and give me horrible reviews, message me, massage me (lol, no, just kidding again, sorry), or anything really. I don't particularly care.


Posted by ADR3-N - February 14th, 2011

I fixied eet! Epic shiet! Reflowed the GPU and everything! Yeyz!

So yeah, I'z happeh nao. 2 for 2, wewt!

Posted by ADR3-N - February 13th, 2011

Kay yallz, so I just fixed my laptop a week ago, and now it's back to fucking up. It won't start now. :/ I think it's the motherboard, not the graphics card this time. So yeah, as you can imagine, now that more than half of my laptop isn't factory anymore. Pssh, it's more like a hybrid, what with the V6000 screen that we just stuck in there - totally different appearance now. Looks like we'll be either reflowing the board or buying another one at this point - can't really afford that.

Anyway, just an update so none of you think I'm dead.


Posted by ADR3-N - January 4th, 2011

Hi NG,

Sure, I know that nobody really comes on my profile anymore, since I've been dead for the past five months and whatnot, but hell, I may as well rant about this while I have the chance. I think I'll just put it bluntly. I officially hate LCD monitors and wooden floors. I don't know what possessed people to create these atrocities, but hell, if reinventing the wheel is what it takes to fix my laptop display so I don't have to go onto ebay and buy another one for the fifth time, I'm all for it.

Mis amigos, I have to say that I am extremely displeased. Not only did my display refuse not to blind me each and every time that I decided to leave my cozy home, forgoing my house-hermit lifestyle to, God forbid, take in the sulfurous air and beautiful vistas outside, but it also failed to withstand the almighty fury of an old lens cloth. Is that not ridiculous? And to top it off, the damn thing would never stay clean. High gloss, delicate little monitor plus dust? You know what that's a recipe for? It's like trying to read through a pile of cheese curd, and oh no, the secret spit-shine substitute for windex you hold so dear? Guess what? Crusts up on your screen like splooge on a seaman's keyboard. That's right; you gotta swab this poop deck with expensive screen cleaner; personally, I'd prefer explosive. It's that infuriating. Though, even if you manage to afford the crap, you'll probably just scratch or crack the screen trying to get all the crud off of it.

Seriously, what were these designers thinking? Having tiny little glass, liquid crystals that can burst or defect easily and come out of line is not a good idea. At the very least, plastic ones would be better: more durable, safer, and cheaper too - less likely to break if dropped, since plastic is more flexible than glass. That, and the fact that displays shatter so easily these days. I suppose I should be glad that they don't crumble into dust when you blow on them.

Anyway, rant over. I'm mildly satisfied now, despite the fact that I'm extremely tired and my display is bleeding liquid crystals everywhere and I'm having to use an external monitor.


EDIT: added a picture for graphic detail. ;b Get it?

Damned Elves