It's 3 AM and I'm browsing my own Tumblr like narcissism isn't a problem I have. Meanwhile this blog post gets me 30 different PMs of Farroncest headcanons and requests. Makes a girl happy, fo' rizzle.
What's Farroncest, where is it from, and why is it awesome? It's a pairing from this game, one which I write about pretty regularly and like enough that I decided to run a blog for -- the one from the links above, actually, Fuck Yeah Farroncest! ... Yeah, so this is why I never go outside. When I so much as consider it, it kinda goes like this:
Me: Oh, look, a nice, sun-shiny day outside! I think I'll venture out of my cave for five seconds or more. *cracks door to the outside*
Conscience: Wtf? I know yo'l ass crazy -- if you don't stay yo' long-body, no booty, white cracker self up inside dis here wifi encrusted slice of heaven...
Me: Too late! *skips out into the sunlight*
My skin: .... sssssssizzzle sizzle! Guess what?
Me: What?
Skin: Snap crackle pop, I'm peeling!
Me: *goes back inside, nurses sunburn, and gets back on the laptop*
Me: Gee, this dead skin sure is itchy. *scratches*
So that's how you make Rice Crispies. FUCKING SKIN FLAKES.