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10 reasons I don't miss my ex-girlfriend (and a lot of bitching that's been needing to come out)

Posted by ADR3-N - July 13th, 2014

Let's face it, we all know someone that knows someone who's been through a rough relationship or a bad breakup, and sometimes that person is you. For five months, I dated a college friend of mine, and I thought I was completely in love. Fast forward to the last half of those, and we're looking at the worst time of my life, second only to my parents' custody battle before I'd even started elementary school.

Back to my ex and I, after our on-and-off romantic/emotional/dramatic rollercoaster finally crumbled to nothing, I remember not eating, crying, avoiding friends, neglecting hobbies, skipping class, even attempting suicide... again (during our relationship, I tried and nearly succeeded at one point). Honestly, I'm still a little bitter, even though I don't miss her.

Let me explain...

Basically, she left me for some pussy-ass bitch -- the wimpy, 6'5", small-dick, needs a shave, slobby, spends lots of his parents' money on gifts he bought my gf behind my back type -- that "listened" and "got" her. Lol, and when I say "got", it more or less stands for "got her drunk and had sex with her every chance he got", and "got her involved in some brony group that just sits around watching MLP, playing magic, drinking, and going out to eat on credit cards they don't pay for."

Side note: Nothing against all the other nice bronies, but sorry, these two fucking ruined it for me; thank pussy-ass bitch and ex-gf when you're wondering why I won't be going to brony con and I skip town the second I hear "Discord".

But I'm derailing the topic; onto the list, in no particular order.

10 Reasons I Don't Miss My Ex-Girlfriend

10. She wasn't very attractive
I'm not really one to go for looks in the first place, but I'm talking a 6/10 -- maybe a 6.5 if we're generous. My ex was overweight, had acne (I know this can't exactly be helped, as it is generally hormonal), and didn't really take the greatest care of herself most of the time. She cleaned up well when she wanted to, but "when she wanted to" seemed never to apply to whenever we were together.

I deserve better than someone who doesn't care to look good for me every once in a while.

9. My friends supported me
Despite stupidly abandoning my other buds for the most part when ex-gf and I started dating, they had a lot to do with me getting over her, not killing myself, and realizing there was more to life than crying over a "basic bitch" with a passion for drama -- especially when said basic bitch only cared for about 2 weeks after I'd nearly drowned myself in a dormitory bathtub and was kicked out of college until I saw a phychiatrist and got medicated.

8. It was always all about "Me, me, me!"
It took me a while to realize, but my ex was one hell of a drama queen. Would you know that she once broke up with me because she saw me walking with a group of friends, one of whom just so happened to be her ex, and screamed "Are you trying to ruin my life?! What's wrong with you?!"

Meanwhile she was hanging out with the aforementioned pussy-ass bitch everyone assured me she was cheating on me with -- the one she always asserted she only made out, fucked, and cuddled with while she and I weren't together, or while she was drunk and off alone with him at a "brony meeting", which she'd prefer I didn't go to because I "would make it awkward" -- and accusing me of being in love with my ex-roomate, whom I no longer even lived with because of her caterwauling and jealousy.

I'm like, "Excuse me? Your brony friends are totally cool with me, and you're the one going off and sexing some oversized troll doll looking motherfucker every time you decide we're over for a little bit. I mean, my old roomate is hot and all, so I guess I'd at least have an excuse in my case." Also, hello, I'd at least known my old roomie since long before college. If she and I had a thing, it wouldn't be like screwing a total stranger just because "he's nice to me".

Later, she flipped out because I screwed up a date and accidentally planned Valentine's day shit 24 hours late -- called me late at night screaming "You don't care; he ((pussy-ass bitch)) treats me better!" and calling me an idiot for a good 4 hours (after my attempted suicide less than two weeks before). We ended up going on a triple-date with some of my friends and having a really nice meal, some of which I paid for despite my long-time buddy offering to cover it all. What did she do but complain that we didn't dress up. I should've just let her stupid boy toy do take over for me; he already planned on it anyway.

7. She was a hypocrite
She could have "friends" who were interested in her; I couldn't. She could talk to her exes; I couldn't. She could go home and see her parents; I couldn't. And the ex-roomie she kept insisting I was into and vice versa was straight, cisgender anyway! But moreover, she'd call me immature, selfish, lazy, etc., basically everything she was and wouldn't admit, and pull the hypocrisy card on top of that! Pot calling the kettle black, non?

6. Nothing was ever good enough
Touching again on some points from 13, I could buy her all the food, gifts, and pumpkin spice anything in the world, and she'd later complain about it.

5. I paid for practically EVERYTHING
Yeah, well, so I paid for 99.9% of our dates, the gifts, and about half the gas. What did I get out of it? Told that I didn't "take care of her" like "he" did. I guess not; after all, I was responsible and earned my own money rather than maxxing out my dad's credit card. All my money went towards her -- even what I got gifted for my Christmas! She was always happy to spend my money, and I wouldn't have minded were it not CONSTANT.

4. She said "I still love you"
I hate hearing that. These are the words of a woman who wants to have her cake and eat it too. Would have completely ruined my spring break with those four words if by then I wasn't convinced she was a conniving user out for what she could get. Thank God I'd already upgraded by then.

3. The sex was often-times a terrible, unfulfilling experience
At first, I enjoyed doing most if not all of the work (pardon me, people with weak stomachs), but it was constant. Every single day, multiple times a day, she would come onto me, and for a while, I was okay with that, but it got to the point I felt nothing -- didn't help that sometimes she wasn't fresh as a daisy, if you know what I mean. Usually had a strong ammonia smell. Guess that stems from the "long-hair, don't care" kind of lazy I mentioned earlier.

She would pressure me for sex if I didn't want to do it, then get angry if I changed the subject. If I wanted to have sex, of course and she didn't feel absolutely in the mood, I got cussed out and told I was pushy and inconsiderate, which ties into the hypocrisy/drama queen bit again. At such point, she'd hold it over my head for days. Not that I cared, really, I'd grown to learn that, like everything else, it was all about her.

She also compared me to her past lovers and only cared about my satisfaction when it came to her odd fetishes. *shudder* Never again.

2. She was verbally and later physically abusive
Whenever we'd fight, it always came around to calling me "stupid, immature, like a 12 year old". She'd pick apart every insecurity she could, and at one point, she pushed me, pegged me in the chest with her phone and keys, and shouted at me for 15 minutes. I have serious self-worth issues.

She'd apologize too, of course, then blame it on how her parents fought.

1. The subsequent upgrades have been SO much better and healthier alternatives
Gee, sure is hard to miss a bad thing when you know there's so much better out there.

Since this hellish relationship, I've had 2 more, and though they weren't perfect, I haven't experienced half the selfishness, accountability issues, laziness, blame deflecting, etc. that I had to go through with this particular ex. My SO in particular now may as well be her antithesis, and the good looks certainly don't hurt the case much either. And I'm 99% sure neither even thought of cheating on me, which I can't say for dear ex-y.

/rant over

Sorry NG, had to get a little of the past 7 or so month's stress off of my chest. Thanks for lending an ear. I feel much better now. And, if this helps anyone in the same situation I was, I'm happier for it.


Mate, sorry to hear that rather long spitting out story - I think about half of the men (at least) have been there at some point in their life - meeting that kind of girl who can turn a relationship into nightmare.

I hope you find someone better, just to point out that you are probably partly the cause of the problem, for each point you could have acted differently to not let that happen, like not paying for 99%, she is a an adult human being, so she should take care of her expenses for example. It was probably too late once you reached that point to recover anyway, but I think all negative experience is a chance to learn from your mistakes - some people are deeply unstable and mean, but we can do our best to not let them go all over us, that applies to people in general and is particularly more important with a girlfriend

All the best.

Yeah. I got some help after we broke up and realized I was just letting her run over me -- and blindly in love with a concept. Sorry you had to sit through that >.> But thank you