Oh, this intro is capital c cute!
Nice little can't-tell-if-it's-a-shamisen-or-koto melody. I think I would like a bit less tinny feel on that instrument.
I feel like we have a super long intro there into a build and another build, all the way up to 1:22 -- aaaand we're still building. 1:34 is quite a bit of a long intro! I would decide what could be chopped and moved into a different verse or bridge.
Mix wise I think 1:30 or so is almost unintelligible for your snare. The heavy sidechain makes it audible but if not it would just not be there. Up that snare and give him some space! Your bass also suffers in intelligibility from too much sub.
Other than that, at this point, 1:56 I am still enjoying your writing despite these issues. I think the grainy rain/vinyl samples could come down a full dB and still add to the sound.
The attack on your shami-koto w/e feels the absolute same on each note, especially noticeable on the sweep up
3:03 that lead is WAY too loud for this section. I can tell by how the compression reacts at 3:20 that this was mixed very loud. Also at 3:30 the compression is struggling to handle ALL that low sub as well as all your leads. It sounds as if you may have turned them up to cope with the rest of the song being super loud. Be sure to modulate your volume on individual clips as well as the whole instrument track!
At 4:18 I still think the lead is too loud. It also seems to lie flat in the space it sits in, no ping pong delay, etc.
Outro piano is super pretty.
All in all, after the LONG intro, I really enjoyed the listen. After that, the track knew where it was going and how to get there. I would cut the chaff on this one, as it is a long 5:13. Otherwise, I have no real critique. Your writing is noice. <3
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!