I'm rating 5, because your story made this grown ass woman cry like a little girl. I was teased relentlessly in school too, for being fat, for being ugly. None of these things was actually true. I look back at my photos, and I looked like a normal kid, even a good looking one. I just never wore makeup and was AVERAGE weight, not heroin chic. >.>
My mom unfortunately kind of played into this by telling me whenever my hair was even slightly sweaty, when I had a pimple or three, or if my clothes didn't fit right because, well, I was still growing. She didn't mean to, but she did. And the elderly lady my mom sat with couldn't see too great, so she said, "my, what a handsome young man you've raised," when I went to visit. The teasing at school about whether I was a boy or girl was ridiculous.
But my grandma always told me I was pretty like my mother, and so did my dad. I wish it stuck!
One thing that did stick was this, a verse from the Bible if I'm not mistaken: God is no respecter of persons. Meaning, it doesn't matter how much money you have, how hot you are, or what you can do. God looks at us all as equal.