Right off the bat, I can barely hear your percussion over the synth guitar. This is a problem throughout. Mostly the snare. I can hear the hihats okay, and the kick is fine. Turn that snare up and make it cronchy with some FX if you prefer.
I like your transition at 1:21. That actually sounds pretty freaking cool.
The rest of the song you have some nicely written rhythms that are not really served by the quality of FX you have OR what the instrument itself is designed to do. However I do hear you using a lot more of the parameters than most people of your level typically use, so I have hope that you will find some way to transform them in the future. I recommend grabbing a free guitar amp or something off the internet. If I can turn a commodore 64 synthesizer into a NASTY distorted bass in "youre late for work," I think with time you can find what you want to do with FL Slayer or whatever Electric guitar synth you pick out.
Meantime I suggest Ample Sounds Bass Lite -- I can barely hear your bass and it does not sound bad but it never hurts to have options.
I also recommend seeking some different drum kits, MT Power Drum kit is free, as is Salamander Drumkit and Saudade Snare
If I ignore the synths, this kind of sounds like olskool Rammstein Feuer Frei and similar works. Dig it. It will be stuck in my head for a while.
Be sure to research doubletracking. It's something you at present could do with two instances of different synths playing the same rhythm guitar line panned 100% to different ears and with slightly different humanization values.
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!