Reverse piano is a very nice touch. I think it could come down slightly in the mix.
30 seconds is an interesting noise. I think that needs more sub and less reverb or chorus -- or perhaps more dramatic chorus to push it out of the center.
1:14 is where the piece shines. That mix right there.
I would prefer less bit crush actually for 1:30. That's what it sounds like is happening. The high frequencies make it kind of hard to hear your choir and orchestral hits.
1:53 sounds nice but give me more of that bass please
2:05 isn't bad. I myself am not a huge fan of high sub and that style in general so I will reserve my comments. Your transitions are good but there are so many shifts in style that I feel you don't get much opportunity to play to your strengths.
Overall the track comes as what should have been epic but instead is a (very listenable) wall of noise that I find it hard to pay attention to -- in the finer details at least. Great remix though. As a transformative work it really stands out!
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!