I really can't add much that RealFaction hasn't already addressed. I feel the bass synth in the beginning is a little too loud. Overall the sound is a bit dry and generic. That could be the drums not doing much justice. They're very flat. Need a little more space -- reverb, eq, compression.
I really don't like the bass at all. The legato is no problem. The melodic content just doesn't make much sense to me and is quite repetitive. Sounds like a filter pattern and I just don't really enjoy it. Also is too loud at points relative to the rest of the track. Toward the end, as you introduce more elements, the bass fits in much better. It just simply doesn't do it for me as a stand alone melodic staple.
I can't judge whether it fits the art or not as I'm not familiar with this character. RealFaction thinks so, so I'll give a pass on that entirely.
I can't say it's bad, but I can't say it's great. It did get stuck in my head though, so there's that!