Right off the bat, I think you can make this track sound a lot cleaner by simplifying your bass elements from the intro, meaning where you have two instruments in the same tonal register, making sure they don't play conflicting notes. You have 2-3 bass instruments playing the tonic/root note of the key on top of each other, and you also have a lot of reverb.
The drums stick out well due to volume, but I actually think they can be turned down somewhat and sidechained harder. They also have a lot of reverb on them, which is fine, but that reverb should be low-cut to around 150-250 hz. You can also use this verb on a send track to more finely control it.
The track is really sausage fattened, so any clashing frequencies and mud are really obvious.
But beyond being muddy, I like the overall idea and mood of this track, as well as the synths used. I'm not sure what genre I'd call it, but it ain't bad at all. Keep doing what you do -- moody synth beats. I would just recommend doing some YT school-time on mixing your preferred genre cleanly!