This does sound like a throwback! Interesting and introspective look.
I think that intro bass could be dropped an octave or swapped out.
The sidechain at 1:12 may be JUST a bit dramatic for my tastes. We're also hanging out on octaves, which doesn't leave much room for wow-factor. Perhaps add some 5ths and 3rds here or there to make chord changes more... emotional?
Your growls were a nice addition which I enjoyed.
I also enjoy the varied style of this piece.
I think your growls could stand to be louder. Transitions have improved vastly btw
Overall, nice track. Could use to turn the kick down slightly since you have that dramatic sidechain. This would allow for harder compression.
Your keys are a bit far back in the mix -- perhaps a bit of study for balancing mix in these genres is in order. It also appears that your master is pretty quiet relative to the average. I can see some louder peaks sticking out here and there. Meaning you can probably push this mix harder by increasing volume of bass substantially, and keys less so.
NGUAC score: 7.2