Feels really thrown together and awkward. Just not enjoying it at all.
Feels really thrown together and awkward. Just not enjoying it at all.
Can't tell if it was made with loops or not as the user below alleges. However, the track itself was rather short and sort of bland. Sounds kind of like 80's TV show music mixed in with trap. Not really a huge fan. Would appreciate a longer track with a bit more intrigue to it.
The writing of this is pretty interesting. Would be much better if you had some proper mixing software. The static-y cymbals and the overall cheapy sounding keys get grating after a while.
This is probably the most original big room tune I've ever heard. And I mean that in the sense of it not sounding the exact same as every other big room song ever, in the same key, etc. Nice work.
This sounds like you recorded audio output on a vastly overtaxed PC. Lots of skipping, artefacts, etc. Also, lots of issues with the volume cutting in and out. That needs fixed before I can really consider this listenable.
Thanks for the review! Yeah i do not really know what happened with sound spikes but it was a test, i will take this for helping me on my next music, thanks :D
Oh, so much good-natured fun going on here. Lots of spacy synths, cute bass, good structures and fun flourishes. Mix is a bit muddy though. Bass could use a little more presence. Reverb and those super long note tails on your pads are bleeding pretty hard. Percussion is sort of buried under the entire composition, especially your leads.
Good writing, so-so mixing and mastering. Enjoyed.
Short but very useful for me! I regret reading this so late. I should've paid more attention on whatever is going on in the background. Many thanks.
Although you didn't complain about the composition, most of the time, I can't point out the flaw in the mix by myself when I don't have the clear final image of the track in my head. Not sure if this can be called the writer's block, but I can only think about one really catchy melody and nothing else lately, hence the repetitive pad, arps, and lead synths after 0:42.
Oh, some kooky drum solos and arps here. Must be fun ahead. Although, I can't say I'm a fan of your instrumentation, or at least how dry it sounds. Vocals are also muffled and a little hard to pick out. Kinda pitchy too. The song honestly probably would have done better without them. They sound kinda meandering, muffled, and just don't sound great. I would probably chorus the harmony. The vocals are sitting in the middle of the mix like a sad sack, making everything else also feel sad and sick.
You may just need a better mic, but it sounds like you're singing through a bunch of socks rather than with a windscreen or something.
Key change at the very least provides some fresh interest. You've got good melodic offerings, but that one thing makes the whole thing fall apart like a wet paper bag in places. The vocals don't cut off at the same times as the instrumental, kind of drag in places, and then FX make the release even muddier!
The song does grow on me, though. You'll get there. Just look up some vocal mixing tutorials to help you. You may benefit from ReaEQ from Reaper's free plugins. Compression and EQ would eliminate a lot of that wavering volume you have going on here.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06