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Just doesn't get old. Although those vocal samples are so strange to me, really. As usual, solo sections are satisfying. Strange bits are the key changes, as they come when I'm never actually expecting them. This keeps me on my toes, and the scat singing is interesting, but quite hard to get into. This is an interesting style piece, but I think it speaks more to you and ethansight than it does me. Still a good listen.

johnfn responds:

A LIL LATE EDM lol jk yea tbh this is like my favorite track i've done =D

NGADM judging review. Better late than never!

Okay, foley sounds, street, rain, footsteps, what appears to be some sort of lounge, breathing, then some nice wubbys and glitches. The triangle sound made me almost giggle, and the piano reminds me of “What Does The Fox Say?!”, y'know, the horse speaking morse. Now, introducing guitar into your cinematic style drop was fun. I would have appreciated more high end on that guitar, choir about 1 Db down, etc. Great writing and brainstorming on your ideas, guys, even if the structure is just a little off and some of the stops and starts are underwhelming in places. Would have loved to hear these ideas expanded. Fun listen.

Right off the bat, sounds super happy. Interesting. That lead sounds very muted until it comes in, which I understand must be a stylistic choice. I'm just left wondering where is your low end on this track? That lead is so ding dang darn loud, I don't know where your bass is at! Sounds like the track could also be compressed to death.

That said, drop is interesting. I probably would not notice any of this were I listening on a phone speaker, but on headphones, the highs are almost screeching. Sounds like your chords may be distorting around 2:05 or so. I just glanced at the time... And, waiting – yes, definitely some distortion from over compression. I feel had you had more time to go over this track, improvements could have been made.

Definitely a ton of ideas stitched together, but your textures are so nice! Name is quite apt. That you managed to essentially pull this out of your arse is a testament to your ability. Only thing I didn't like was the dryness of the bass guitar. Reminds me of Age of Mythology in some places.

Really interesting fusion of styles here. Choral, church organ, synth, metal styled drums. I can't really pick out any specific sins other than perhaps a very dry piano and somewhat of a bare melodic scape. Everything seems more rhythm and less melody.

Spadezer responds:

I appreciate the kind words. I'm curious what you mean by "bare melodic scape."


Pretty fun, innocent little tune, and a good blend of sonic textures. I like your progression, but I could go without the extreme pitch bends everywhere. Other than that it sounds just a little empty. It sounds like something is missing.

These brass samples, choir, and etc. have attacks that are making my ears twist in agony. Also kind of sounds like some old disney movies I've listened to. I can't think of which. That chip synth run coming in confused me as well. I almost wish you'd come in with the metal bits first. Sounds more like punk than metal though. Once that's in, I'm enjoying myself. Unfortunately my PC shut off while I was writing this review so I forgot what else I wanted to say.

SourJovis responds:

The samples could be better. I'll see what I'll do about it. I was thinking about using snes soundfonds instead, to better match the 8-bit sytnth that comes in later. Maybe that way people will be less surprised about the style shifts, since snes soundfonds are already electronic sounding like orchestral, instead orchestral samples that just sound bad. I don't know though. I think it helps when the song is completed anyway, because then there will be more coherence. Maybe I'll make the introduction of the 8-bit part shorter. I've had at least two other people complain about it. Didn't listen to Disney movies for inspiration so I don't know what movies in particular this sounds like, but that is the kind of mood I was going for indeed. Now you mention it, I suppose it sounds more like punk indeed. I'm not good with genres. It reminded me of Aux Raus, who combine rave with punk and use lo-fi midi orchestral on later albums as well. Too bad your computer shut down. I'd wanted to hear the rest of what you had to say.

I concur with TL on this one and don't have much to add. Great ideas but needs polished. The minimalism and breaks didn't really work well together, and despite pretty good production quality and some daring instrumentation, the execution and composition eventually started to wear on me toward the end. Nevertheless, keep at it!

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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