Learn to code, they said
It'll be fun, they said
Me, 5 minutes and a nice headache later:
this song
This song reminds me of the Shoes jam from the mid 00's YT glory days, and in a good way.
Learn to code, they said
It'll be fun, they said
Me, 5 minutes and a nice headache later:
this song
This song reminds me of the Shoes jam from the mid 00's YT glory days, and in a good way.
That has to be the best compliment I've ever received.
Came here to drop 5. Stayed for arrangement and lyrics. I was hoping to hear them!
I think the mix could use some revisiting to bring out the rhythm guitars on the sides more, perhaps take some verb off those kicks and toms. Essentially carving out space for bass to exist in the center channel relatively unmolested. I wonder if what could be causing some of the flat feel could be monitors or cans which don't translate that sub noise, and at the same time over accentuate highs. There's something called RealPhones I recently learned about which you can grab to effectively mix on headphones, but it's paid.
3:19 where the mix is less condensed, it sounds more ideal -- the compressor is really clamping down on the mix as a result of those thick bass frequencies. Cutting some verb wet and bringing the kick down will help. You can actually use sidechain to make sure the transient cuts through without harming too much of anything, and adjust it for each individual track so that it isn't very noticeable, then trim down the kick to a more manageable for the compressor volume.
Sorry if I'm writing a book and it seems to be all critique! Just know that I have no other negative comments about anything else. I very much enjoyed it!
I always love the critic and feedback! I really do need to get better at sidechain for the exact reason you're describing. I just moved and am still trying to figure out the best Cost effective way to do vocals without disrupting my neighbors (now that I have them lol). But this is the first track to get vox on it when I do!
Thanks for the feedback!
Writing and style wise, this gets a perfect ten from me, because I adore this genre. The mix could use some refining, clearing out the white noise so to speak. Some surgical EQ on the rhythm guitar to cut down on 250 hz and below, as well as a bit in the upper range. You can achieve quite a good bit of clarity with notching.
Also, sidechain is a good option for basically every instrument.
I have a hard time hearing your kick and snare over the other instruments. They should be loudest in the mix. Kick also could use some shortening of the body (can be done with free plugin Pancz) and a bit more transient emphasis. Snare same, minus shortening the body of the note. I actually would like more sibilance on the kick and snare, and potentially to bring out the hihats and crashes in the stereo field, wider, more varied left and right.
Otherwise, great work!
Thanks for the feedback! always open to mixing advice.
Love listening to tracks like this. It's like a cross between acid techno, midtempo, and the old, slower jungle era of dnb. Also, it was a complete shock to hear that marching snare in a different context!
I love your synth design. I might turn the bass down a bit actually, as it's blowing out in the mids upon master compression, but otherwise, great. Alternatively, you could pump up the drums a lot harder with something like a clipper. I use Cymatics Diablo for that now, but in the past I used free plugs like KSHMR Essentials Kick. Pancz also works for a NY style compression.
Yay thank you, I'm glad my lax approach to genre comes across as somewhat coherent :) I love percussion loops. As someone with a terrible sense of rhythm they really help move me along.
Really great feedback, thank you. Mixing & mastering has always been an absent spot for me which I've only started to care about in recent years (turns out cranking a compressor on the master channel with nothing else don't work too good, who knew?). Thanks for the suggestions, I'll get them on my shopping list.
Just writing here to say I've been an OG fan, since 2009, and I'm so happy to hear from you again! All these years I'd wondered where you went, where you were. Used to write fairly often.
My how time changes us. I can still hear your style, morphed and changed through the time. I myself am an amen break junkie. It never gets old. My only complaint is the stereo spread on the kick and snare has washed them out a bit, but that's just one of my modern stylistic preferences.
Congrats on the FP!
If not - 'THE' OG fan! I think I'll stop being such a baby and actually stick around NG now haha.
Thank you for the very nice review, any of your thoughts are much appreciated. Very true re: stereo spread. I'm still fairly under-practiced using real drum loops and anything with them. In this case I think it was a matter of 'stick on some FL Stereo Shaper, compress the shit out of it and call it a day.'
Thanks! A childhood dream of mine for sure.
Until next time
As hard as it is to listen to myself talk this was a great experience! I can't believe we had 4 hours of content I assume after cutting. Wow.
The linked lists at the bottom are huge bonus for folks who love to deep dive. Basically perfect autistic/adhd entertainment! I'll have to make time to listen to more of these as they come out!
The community is better because you are a part of it. You help so much with people's music, questions and various problems, it's great to see when people are thankful. It is tough to deal with when people are being rude, and you deserve a tremendous amount of respect for your passion to care about the well-being of the creative environment that Newgrounds has been building. You make Newgrounds better!
You've been a part of building a positive creative environment for musicians to thrive in and learn about creating music. You are extremely skilled and have an immense amount of knowledge to share. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your experiences and talking about how you feel. There are a lot of bullshit and challenging scenarios in life that are tough to deal with, you are very strong. You deserve respect.
Thank you so much for being you.
Reminds me of olskool electronic music, video games, and DJ sets, especially using the birds as FX risers and downlifters!
wow, thanks for that high score
Just wanted to leave my 5 here to support yall friends. And also say this style of flow is exactly what I'd imagine on this beat.
Eyy thank you kindly Adrean! :) Still not really proud of my performance with this one, could've done better on all bits but the finale - but next time! Thanks for the support!
I am so glad you came by to leave a comment and score
Вот действительно звучит как классики моей юности. Я бы поправила велосити нотов левой руки и уменьшила реверберации, но остальное вполне приятно слушать. Особенно нравится аккордовая прогрессия. Мелодия играет безупречно, буквально играючи хахах.
Спс что прислал
Вроде поправил. Спасибо)
Интересный выбор, виниль сэмпл звук. Но атмосферу без него не могу представить.
Я бы чистила низкие частоты немножко побольше из-за того, что distortion их разрывает по собственной натуре. А еще поменяла бы пианино на более тонкий вариант этого инструмента. Звучит мне как сток ФЛ пианино, со сильным параметром velocity. Если бы пианино звучало хрупким и вялым, то думаю что лучше подходил бы вайбу.
Но остальное мне очень понравилось. Рада что ты достаточно уверен в себе чтобы так экспериментировать!
Это уничтоженный звук дождя, и ещё какойто звук улицы)
Учту на будущее, когда ещё буду работать с дисторшином.
С пианино согласен, но лучшего не нашёл. Это и правда стоковое фл пианино
Сомневаюсь что тут дело в уверенности. Будь у меня больше слушателей я бы постыдился такое выкладывать, наверное. Хотя... не знаю.
Спасибо огромное за отзыв!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06