Nice album cover!
I'm not a huge fan of your piano, just because over-reverbed and delayed pianos are so ... overused. I'm not sure what to make of your string synth in the intro either.
I think I would like to hear less static and grime on the high end of your bass, and a more centered sound for 250 and below hz.
Your snare could use more low mid, and your kick could use perhaps some soft clipping.
There is something about the chords that bothers me. I think it's the parallel motion of 5ths. parallel 5ths can sound grating -- it's in the keys for me.
The shakers/hats are a bit loud.
But back to parallel motion -- you can make this piece a lot more interesting by using inversions in your keys and pads.
I also am not sure about the final chord in your progression. I can't put a finger on it, but it doesn't seem resolved to me. I would actually probably use it as your first chord, not your last!
I'm not sure what else to say about this piece, except that all the elements of a song I would like are there, but something has happened with the density (chunkiness with notes close together) and dissonance of chords that otherwise should probably sound energized and motivated, and as you titled, gorgeous and fantastical, to make them sound a little depressed. I don't mean that in a foul or derogatory way. Just think a brief bit of music theory would help translate your vision. I hear a lot of the root note of chords and occasionally notes that don't seem to go in a chord, or notes that don't resolve in a melody.
Anyway, in terms of structure and songwriting, you're ahead of the curve. Your structure is clear and easy to follow. You have ideas that obviously belong to the same song and logically flow. At no point is the song boring, even if I am confused by some choices of note. You clearly know how to use your instruments to their potential, which is more than a lot of people can say, and the mix is not half bad.
Beyond that, I can't complain. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!