Came here to drop 5 because I like phonk
I think I would prefer less compression but overall, once the vocal comes in, I'm impressed by how nearly understandable it is. Noice
Came here to drop 5 because I like phonk
I think I would prefer less compression but overall, once the vocal comes in, I'm impressed by how nearly understandable it is. Noice
Thanks for the support! Will take it into consideration for future tracks :)
As a composition, solid
Mix is sounding a bit flat
recommend bumping up cymbals slightly
a bit less reverb
more distortion on 808 and volume. perhaps hard sidechain for when kick comes in, do enjoy the writing there
samples sound niiiiiice
snare is laying flat. perhaps excite it and have a wet tremolo pan behind it. I think cymbals on 2 channels, one left, one right, alternating, would sound good
Otherwise nice work!
Arrangement wise, perfect.
I think I would like a little less compression, .1 dB more hihat on drops, some panning play on hihats for builds, perhaps a bit less reverb, like say 10% less, and a little more sub. It's not easy to hear it.
But otherwise great!
Thanks for the advice! I'm glad you enjoyed.
It sounds like you have multiple melodies on the same shreddage instance -- there's some low string getting triggered occasionally that shouldn't be there
I love shreddage so much. so common sense. sounds good what you have, but I wish there was more!
Some things I recommend
less reverb on your rhythm guitar, and double track them
more volume on kick and snare
more volume on counter melody, chorus FX????
experiment with panning and try to maintain a bit cleaner sound
experiment with FX on drums such as gentle verb on snare
Ouch, I felt the fuck out of those lyrics. My heart is with you
I think the sections of "breaking up mentally" are mixed pretty well on vocals
the hihat at 1:07 is LOUD. Please turn it down some -- snare/kick should be the loudest elements in the drop, followed by vocal, lead, and bass turned up to push the track.
Your synths on the side at the drop are also quite loud. I want more bass, much more vocal, more clap. Actually a lot more clap. Less reverb will help clarity.
You know, I think just taking down the synths on the side and pumping the center vocal will fix a lot of issues. Also turning down the lead on non-drop sections. The mix is just top heavy and the hihats are partly to blame there.
But writing wise, this is classic house and I adore it.
Well, I sort of like the strange intervals in your melodies in the beginning, but once in a while something in key would sound nice! I may not know what's going on, but I can hear you arranging and building some ideas here. You're on the right track. Keep it up with your variety of instruments and phrasing. I can hear the intentionality there. Where this piece is hard for me to really understand is what is supposed to harmonize with what, is that intentional dissonance, etc. While it may not be my cup of tea, I'm sure someone would like it somewhere.
I also see you have a lot of other pieces. This is good. The more you practice, the better you will become. Take some time to learn about scales and musical theory/songwriting. Some basics there will do you good!
Wow, that reverb or whatever the hell you got in your intro is WILD. I think your synth is a bit loud in the intro to 42 sec though
The track sounds a bit empty at 50 sec, but the things you're doing here are more complex than they sound. I think I'd like a few percs or other melodic elements to distract from that empty space there.
Very cool ideas here and I really enjoy your play with FX
The piece is a bit short but I think you pushed it as far as you could without it becoming stale. Great work -- a few more ideas and I feel it would be complete
Thank you for the criticism, Nobody ever gives me any so I 100% appreciate it
There's some grammar errors in english that don't make sense to me because the correct grammar would sound just as good -- taked instead of took -- but I'm going to completely ignore that because it doesn't matter
This song would BANG fantastically if the mix was better. It sounds like each instrument, including the vocal is mixed too loudly or distorting somehow, and the mix is crowded. The low-mid and bass range is especially crowded it sounds. I notice this most around 1:09 on the backing vocal.
However at this time I'll say that I LOVE your writing. I would just prefer less distortion.
I would also like the acoustic guitar to be mixed to sound more thin and perhaps pick a side to pan to.
I would remove a lot of reverb from the keys and other instruments for bigger sections, as acoustic guitar is getting lost in that.
Otherwise, I listened twice! Nice work!
Thank u so much for your observations!! i really apreciate them a lot.
sorry for the grammar, english is not my native lenguage as you can tell, but i try to learn along the way.
I know i could have mixed better, If I had given myself the time to, maybe it was the hype to upload the song, it's a pretty experimental piece as well, so i'll be working on that point the next one!!
im so glad u liked my lyrics, it's a little tedious to capture the feelings i want to project, and being so, I am very encouraged by the fact that they seems to hit the bullseye!!
again, thank u so much for giving yourself the time to analyze my work, i promise i will keep it in mind for my next songs, witch i would love that you hear, see u next time, hope you're having great day!!
Really enjoying the idea and the vibe of this piece, however my least favorite part is actually where things get going at 3:30 or so minutes in (the typical length of a radio song, wow)
I feel the slow drums are not quite the right fit in terms of timbre. Could use some more FX, maybe, glitching, saturation, distortion, modulation... something as they feel flat to me
Careful with your filter sweeps -- the 15khz plus is pretty loud! There is nothing in that range so you are safe to take it down just a tad and roll that off without fear of losing it!
Sonically, this is quite the journey. The keys and melodic sections are very relaxing. Nice work!
I find that I want a lot more volume out of your kick and snare, and less on your cymbals. They're a bit muted and don't cut through the guitars quite as much as I'd like. On softer sections it's not as noticeable. That hihat is really up there though.
Bass could also use some hi-mid and potentially a volume boost on bigger sections.
As TL mentioned, transitions can be a bit abrupt, but I think it's fine.
Those strings are a bit thin sounding, and I think they could be fleshed out with either several other key instances in the background, or potentially tremelo pan.
2:50 is a great section. Strings there in the left are a bit too loud. Choir sounding good. I find myself wanting it to be a bit more centered, as well as the strings.
It appears this is unmastered to my eyes. A quick run through an internet mastering service might help here.
But your writing is FANTASTIC.
Overall really enjoyed it!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
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