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Nice work there!

I like how the bass rythm goes with everything you put with it, that and how you make it seem like a figure so sneaky and vile is creeping up on someone and the 'running away' or 'chase' effect. Very nice track. I'd advise not using very high pitches in short sequences ( like having a sequence of high notes playing and then quitting without an almost immedate lower sequence playing afterward )... 4/5

synteza responds:

thanks for the bit of visualization you wrote up there. the creepy vile noises are mostly sped-up breathing :)


You named this song perfectly!

This song reminds me of how we love and chase after those who we cannot have and how we find who we can, but it doesn't work out. In other words, love quirks that make us human. It also reminds me of how we tend to fall in love with friends and we know it's wrong, but we don't care about it. I truly love your song, but I advise not using those extremely high pitched notes unless they are covered up by notes that are somewhat in that pitch range. I wish this song never ended...

synteza responds:


it doesn't remind me of that in particular, haha, that's deep though.



There are a few inharmonies that ruin it a little.

I love your songs, but I have a few problems with it... Around the 00:40 the prominant notes are not exactly agreeing with each other, I'm in the band so I have to pay attention to this kind of stuff. If that's intentional, I understand, but it affects your song quite a bit. I also have a slight problem with the end, it sounds a little scary opposed to the peaceful beginning and mid section of the song, perhaps you went out of the key a little. Your song still is very, very beautiful. 4/5

synteza responds:

the dissonance is intentional - it's an acquired taste. i'm glad you like the song!

Simply amazing!

This is one awesome track, I might even make a music video just for this! Great work on this! One problem, the bell is a little too low, maybe up it by a note or highten the volume of it so it is a bit clearer. No complaints other than that!

Electrick responds:

i'll take a look on that later. thanks!


I'm not a big fan of jazz, but this is good. Nice echoeing effect. :) Keep up the good work!

Kinda great

You definitely have talent, I can tell from the way it's put together. This is some pretty good stuff, the only thing I don't like is that it seems to loop in the beginning and there isn't much serious bass to it, not to mention there were a few chords that didn't go too well together. Make sure there is a lot of bass, if there isn't it will kill your ratings. The ending is a ittlewierd, it's not you typical finish where you have some drums involved on the final note and all, but that's your choice.

This was really good for a second audio, I hope to see more from you.

Andrea364 :)

pretty good!

This sounds awesome compared to the original theme song, keep up the good work!

Envy responds:

Thanks for the review!


You have some real talent, looking forward to seeing more of your work, good job!

Envy responds:

ooooh i've got talent, you hear that world? IVE GOT TALENT! ^.^ My friend wants me to make this song longer, buuuut i'm expirimenting with other raves, so you may see more like this in the future.


This is good, not at all in any way bad. Keep it up!


You even put in some vocals and cool ones at that, nice snare and synth (or whatever it is).

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

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