I'll be sure to use this in the near future! Should fit in nicely with my trailer I'm coming out with!
I'll be sure to use this in the near future! Should fit in nicely with my trailer I'm coming out with!
Awesome, I'll be looking forward to it.
There's a little static I think, or that could just be my headphones, but still a very kick ass awesome song, and this is coming from a girl. It reminds me of when I always sat on the school steps all hard core and stuff.
it is static-y, one of the first recordings i did on my new computer so the quality is meh... but thanks for the awesome review!
Heh, awesome!
Pretty evil, espescially the bass, in short, I loved it. While I'd love giving you a long drawn out review, I have to go review more awesome entries and expand my three hundred item playlist to 1000 so I can burn those CD's I'll be listening to out in the school parking lot in a few days at 3:15 PM.
I'm downloading this!
Awesome job, I'm certainly enjoying it. This makes me want to walk up and kiss someone even more than that ast song did, it seems many songs make me want to kiss people huh, but you wouldn't know because you haven't read my reviews. The only problem is the clicking in the beginning... Was that intentional?
In read everyones reviews, silly.
This is going in my media player!
I really enjoy listening to this song, great job! I love how you used the treble and bass in contrast to each other while still keeping a vey nice melody and overall sound. I might use this in my next movie project.
This brings back memories!
I feel like walking up to my best friend and kissing her for no reason, no I'm not bi-sexual, but this just makes me feel that way. Great job! It's hard to believe anyone could make this, thanks so much! This song reminded me that my life is actually great compared to so many others.
I think I actually did kiss Haley when I heard this, but I forgot... I'll ask her since she's sitting right next to me... Wow... I did kiss her... AWESOME! This song is great, AND it can make people kiss people! It really brings out th good in ya, huh?
If I still knew how to download I would show it to several friends. I might even use this in my movie I'm making, it's perfect for a fight.
This is definitely going on all my CD's
I've been listening for a long, long time, but never got around to reviewing. Great job! Best of luck to you!
To zero-edge: ParagonX9 is a girl.
To kidhype: She won't be coming out with a new track any time soon, this one's been out for quite a while, just look at the ID and see how old it is. Also, I see you're new, please make some use of yourself and send more music to people, just don't get caught and don't let them see where the music came from, NG'll be blocked from one more school's internet! Thank you!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06