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Not bad, but the bass is squalling....

Yeah, my only problem is with the bass. It's got way too much sub and no EQ to back it down any. Multi layered EQ will help cut that out. Anyway, not bad for such an underrated song.


Well, I felt like I'd do this song justice by giving it a well rounded review to balance out the last one a little. I'm going to be honest here though. This kind of sucks . . a lot. It's not entirely crap, but way too synthy. The drums in the beginning were the most bearable part, to be honest. Try not using synth guitars or bass, they generally sound like crap. That's just my opinion. The end was pretty cool though.

That was wack... yes.

Tabs please. :)

It's a nice song, other than the cheesy synths and all. I'd prefer a score, so I could do this on piano though, guitar arps aren't really my thing, evidenced by my previous submissions. Anyway, after a while, it gets pretty catchy. :)


It sounds like fun to play. The name fits well; good work. :)

Would do well as an album intro

My only complaint is that the quarter notes keep dying out during the chorus. It's best to use whole notes in place of repeating quarter notes. It would probably do better in classical, unless you had electrical guitars going. It sounds pretty good, other than that. Good work!

Hend responds:

Indeed the notes do die out but I thought it gave a nice 'oomph' to the rhythm during that section. I also wondered how it would fare in Classical but found most of the stuff there was significantly softer than this. It might be considered too 'heavy' or too 'rock' for there, but I could be way off, heh.

Thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you liked it! :)

Hmm... Tranquil

Despite the part around 0:30 with that glitchy synth being a little nerve wracking, I very much enjoyed the song. The breakdown around 1:20 was pretty cool, leading back into the weird chorus, which didn't annoy me that time around. Like on a lot of your other songs, I love your bass line synth.

Still, EQ'ing out the static would be nice. You did a good job though. It doesn't bother me much at all. :)

KI1 responds:

If it was difficult to notice, this was supposed to be my second attempt at 'Fear of Light' but meh. I dunno what came over me to use that synth, it just sounds... crap as well as having issues with the delay and reeverb on it :/
But yeah, I'll have to remember to do some EQ'ing in the future :P


Okay, I'm starting out the song and really liking it. The synth that comes in around 0:30 really clashes with the bass line though. They're also way too loud. It gets better at 1:40 though. I think you should've faded that one out though, to lead in. You're getting better with transitions here. Have you tried your hand at composing your music?


The bass synth is awesome. The only really terrible thing I find wrong with it is a few note discrepancies and the string synths, which chopped up the flow of the song. The piano and bass part around 2:00-ish was soothing though, and that makes up for it. Some EQ would be nice though. It is pretty static-y, nothing I can't put up with though.

As for throwing the rhythm off, no, it's perfectly fine. I definitely think I like your later songs better though, which is a good thing, since it means you've improved. Good work!

KI1 responds:

Yeah, those strings were crap, I think they were some of the FL default samples :/
I only use VST plugins for strings and classical instruments, etc...
As for the EQ'ing I had no idea about it 'back then' but I'm trying to get into it now :P

A little messy, but no biggie

Some of the notes felt like they weren't supposed to go together, but after a while of listening to them, it felt right. Good job. :)

KI1 responds:

Heh, thanks :P
Yeah, some of the bassnotes kinda contradict the main lead :/

This makes me want to dance.

I can't really criticize it much, besides the lack of a real lead melody over anything, but that doesn't really matter. It's cool without it. I wish I was capable of such weird awesomeness, what with my somewhat bland selection of synths and samples.

The synth at 0:41 is pure ear-crack, and by that, I mean it's just awesome.

KI1 responds:

Yeah, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing with this song, I'd just had a lesson from my friend about how to roughly make a song, then I just went mad making this o-e
That ear crack you're snorting btw, is the Sytrus default plugin, sorta moved on from that though but might use it one more time in another song mabey...
As for your songs, they may not be weird, but they show a lot more work and composure than this thing xD

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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