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Pretty good. Drop could have stood out a bit more in the mix, and intro synth sounded a bit cheesy. Other than that, not overbearing. You just need to learn to work your perc a little harder. The chants were a little too frequent during the drop. They became monotonous.

HeadphoneHeaven responds:

You should try out my song "Toxic" I was just going full heavy with this one but Toxic has more elements to it if you are into heavy stuff

Sounded great until the final resolution. The bass movement made what should have been a major chord sound... off. That's my only complaint, though.

Skcy3 responds:

Thanks for the review EDM! Just trying to understand exactly which part, do you mean the three chord rotation at the very end? from 1:32 - end?

Sounds like you have an ok mic, but your mixing and vocals are subpar. Try for more resonance, more like howling at the moon, less like talking, if that makes sense. If you tame that pitch center, learn to mix vocals better, bring that instrumental down a bit, etc., you'll get there. Also watch for distortion.

AniLover16 responds:

Actually, I'm using my phone.. heheh..
But thanks for the advice.. I'll try to follow them in the cover song.. heheh :D

Sounds like a bunch of loops together. Really could use cleaning on the mix as a whole. Too much reverb, no melody. It just sort of sits there.

SkyfoxCreations responds:

That's how Shadow Rewind works. You create a loop and add on. And there's a melody... Not really sure how you didn't pick it up..

And I placed a reverb over the entire track, so yeah it got pretty chaotic. I appreciate the criticism! Thanks!

Quality is not that great. Of course, it's a WIP. You need to bring more strength and emotion to your vocals. This is the weak point of this work, largely the wordy structure and hard to identify rhythmic and syllabic setup. Keep working on it.

Decent, but two 808 basses in the same sentence doesn't bode well. You've got a lot of distortion that makes the tail end almost unlistenable.

ninjacreep27 responds:

I defenetly agree. But I'm kinda using sh# t software also my skills are bad :( I want fl studio so bad

This is catchy. Just doesn't quite have much punch to it. Melody is laying own in the mix. Drums feel too loud. Wineglass lead isn't quite doing it for me. Your chords are nice, warm, and bright though, which I do enjoy. Good work.

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

I did have a difficult time leveling out the drums. Probably cause i use two different sets on top of each other. Thought that would solve the whole "punch" problem.

I do see what you mean by the drums being too loud. I just got new headphones and they're actually pretty loud. This oughta help me in the future.

I did make it slower than the original, to allow for extended time and to make it flow a little smoother. Volume balance is hard lol.

Thank you for an honest review

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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