I like all the clicky things. :D
I like all the clicky things. :D
Verging menacing here
As always, your song brings me to thought. I picture the transition from sanity to insanity here, as if one's own mind is a prison and imagining otherwise is painful. Sounds monstery towards the end, by the way, if no one else has mentioned.
Odd, and I love it
I get total nostalgia around 1:40ish. Chords please? I'd love to say I had absolute pitch and could name them, but I keep getting distracted and too into the music to even notice. Also, voices creeped me out a bit, and I got the odd image of Jupiter yawning and swallowing pluto. 0.0 Really creepy. Still, I very much like the confusion, changing tempos, and total feeling of being lost in the middle of a huge world. It's pleasant. :D
Mopey? Or apathetic?
Reminds me of watching other people live their lives and wondering why I wasn't like them.. Hmm. This requires pondering.
I don't know what to say...
There seems to be some sort of birth, life, and death going on here, but I don't understand of what. Perhaps I'll have to relax to figure it out. Mysterious voices you have there, like whispering in my ears. I like!
For some odd reason, I really like all the sound effects going on here, and the general buzzing.. I find it creepy and soothing at the same time. Is that possible? *tilts head* But yes, after a few minutes of listening to your stuff, I find that whatever genre you could possibly put this into, I like it. It's new and innovative.. and reminds me of living, and fear. Truly expressive.
Oh, the chords! :D
This song makes me very happy, and at peace. Yet, it sounds so lonely, reflective, like death, only a happier picture. I like very much.
Is everything you do amazing?
It seems you can take the flattest, most unfeeling, computerized voices and make them speak to me. Very nice. I know, now that I've done at least 3 reviews with the word, "nice" in them, I've probably begun to sound redundant. Anyway, I'm liking this a lot. It's got an odd rhythm that sort of makes me want to dance in a way. Excellent!
This is making me feel all floaty inside, frantic, yet relaxed. Nice!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06