Not too bad. Very raw obviously as beatboxing usually is. I would say edit your stuff in a DAW and get fancy. Could turn into a career.
Not too bad. Very raw obviously as beatboxing usually is. I would say edit your stuff in a DAW and get fancy. Could turn into a career.
Thanks. I uploaded the wrong song, but thanks.
Another absolute classic. I have no complaints. This brings me back to 6th grade, and not in a middle-school-sucked kinda way. I just don't think this will ever get old. Several styles in one track, all pulled off excellently.
Not really my thing, but there are a lot of interesting sounds here to enjoy, and it doesn't hurt my hears in any sense. Once you start poking, it becomes music to my ears. Very spacey, musical music. I now see why everyone and their mother liked to mess around with these in their basements all hours of the night :P
I really like the sound of a simple sine wave with some vibrato. :) Glad you enjoyed it, and glad I took AliceMako's advice of just hitting the record button whenever jamming away.
Thanks for the review!
It's interesting to hear you speak for the first time!
You pretty much cover the vast majority of crap we end up removing, as well as the ear rape, how-to spam, etc., people upload. Most of it, 95% is Geometry Dash related theft or abuse. No one can say that Newgrounds rules aren't clear about exactly what we don't host. Also, about my gender, something that will strike anything who knows me off NG hearing this cast is hearing you call me "she", as I'm trans to them. No harm, no foul, though. On NG I don't care which I'm referred to as I'm quite gender fluid. I'm happy to know I've inspired you to speak more about what's going on more than anything. :)
My condolences to you and yours about Seán's late mother, and I know I'm quite late on that. I feel your near-hiatus musically. I've also been in a very dark place, thinking about my place in the universe, deeply affected as I am by my father's death still. There's a lot going on still inside my head.
Best wishes to you, and if you do decide to busk, please bring a trustworthy friend. I would worry for you.
Currently I'm waiting 'til the 17th to do my own 'cast just for personal reasons and giving myself time to find somewhere quiet to record. I don't have a script for the 'cast yet, or even an outline, so not even the faintest idea of what I'll be talking about bar maybe the most ridiculous things I've seen this month, haha. There was a concert I went to and recorded bits from there, but still.
Try not to stress yourself out, and take care!
Excellent composition, and evocative. I only wish the lead vocal were more audible above the piano, or present. Still more than worthy of a download. Poppy perc noise around the end threw me off until I realized what it was. Is a bit loud and not quite as spacious sounding as the rest of the track. You never cease to surprise me!
I'm just gonna quietly add in that I'm happy to see you're still making great music. Been a fan since '05. Playing is superb and a fun listen. Although you might benefit from a guitar with a bit longer scale or a thicker gauge on that F. Feels like it's wavering a bit on intonation.
Deserves more stars than it has, for sure. I enjoyed the listen, although the instrumentation was fairly generic to my ears. Your transitions are good. Could use more kick presence.
Tell me, is that Rez 3.0 bass I hear?
Not really my type of stuff. A little too poppy/clubby, and I'm not sure it's dubstep, but it seems you took time to pan, mix, etc. Could use maybe some side-chaining to make everything pop a bit more.
I don't really like that duck-y lead around G3-Bb3-F3 you use as a fill. It just doesn't fit to me. Lead also is bland to me, period. Keep trying though. You'll get there.
Dear lord, you had to pay for marimba and etc? Please get Reaper or Cubase -- Reaper you can technically use forever until you can pay for it, and works with just about everything imaginable. A lot of pros use it.
Composition is decent. A lot of repeating the same stuff over and over, which gets boring quick, but a start is a start.
I just had marimba sounds off of a app
Composition is okay. Sound quality is awful. Recommend a different DAW that actually allows you to export or otherwise feed your audio into a PC or something. Also, no need to state your ID. It's in the link. If people are too dumb to figure that out, they need help.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06