I recognize these loops, but the mix isn't bad. Nice use of sound effects. I don't think it's quite dubstep though. Closer to techno or industrial, I think. At least toward the end.
I recognize these loops, but the mix isn't bad. Nice use of sound effects. I don't think it's quite dubstep though. Closer to techno or industrial, I think. At least toward the end.
It's weird, but I like it. Got a nerd-pop feel to it, to me.
Ooh, very nice! I love the melody. Just won't get out of my head, haha. I can hear the waltz time signature -- just seems like percussion had its way with it. :P
I don't know how this song happened. It was made in less than half a day. I was trying to reach this point with a lot of similar songs made my irem. And I was also using instruments and effects from several different waltz songs I found a long time ago which I constantly listen to.
Usually I make a lot of changes to a song but I never had to go back and change this one. I had a song made under similar circumstances that was never needing a changing too! But that one was really happy sounding. Probably because of my feeling of apologies.
Wow, very nice! Loops perfectly -- and the dissonance and delays work perfectly with the overall sound. Beautiful.
Just head a headphonegasm. Sounds almost gravely expectant. Great!
I could dance to this all day long, haha. It just makes me smile!
Reminds me of oldschool hip-hop somehow. I wonder. Repetitive, but nice. :)
Takes a while to get going, and is quite unusual -- even going into harmonic minor. Loving the tension. Dissonance is crazy good, and it's very driving. I like it.
I appreciate reviews for my music. I understand it's not for everybody, and it feels good to see people with a sensitive ear for what I'm trying to go for in my tracks. Thanks for coming, and I must say your stuff is pretty sweet too.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06