Official AIM2018 Review!
Intro is a bit muddy with what sounds like either delay, reverb, or long-tail release. Really like that lead at 00:26 seconds, despite the somewhat gritty, seemingly clipping mix.
Your writing is solid. I find myself wanting a bit more of an overarching melody rather than the theme repeating.
I feel the synth bass at 1:25 is a bit too loud and possibly unnecessary for the track to maintain flow. Perhaps it would be best placed at other sections, as it is at 1:47, where there isn't much going on.
What this track is really suffering from is weak or otherwise occluded transitions. Try risers/reverse crashes.
Entrance of drums around 2:10 was super fizzy and unexpected, not to mention ended abruptly. I'd recommend a stronger snare on that kit, taking down the hats a bit, etc.
There are lots of elements in this track that sound like they were mixed waaaaay too loud, with no headroom before FX was applied. I recommend going through some tutorials on mixing. There's tons of them online. Maybe a few on structuring your songs as well.
Anyway, despite hiccups, track did communicate the distress, hopelessness, and urgency of our falling man in question.
Thanks for turning out to this year's competition!