Wow, your arps are insane, even if this is somewhat repetitive after a while. Keep killing it!
Wow, your arps are insane, even if this is somewhat repetitive after a while. Keep killing it!
Distortion is being mentioned everywhere, and I do hear a lot of it. Try applying a master limiter, and grab a decent side-chaining vst, so your percussion sticks out. It's not too bad, but there seems to be no real melodic base for the song in the drop. Drums sound like a sample pasted over it. In parts where you have a 4 on the floor sort of kick, on each beat, the kick is massively underpowered. Amp up that kick.
This is definitely brostep, but your drop is completely overpowering your drums. Put some reverb on the drums, too. They're really flat in the mix. Also, where are the crashes? I hear just hats.
Synths sound like they might be presets. I can't tell. Sax is definitely one. This track is decent. It needs some serious work. Now, there are good things happening, like the sub-bass coming in around 00:30, buuuuuuuut, you can hardly hear it. This would have been better worked as a trance or techno song, I feel. That sub-bass would have been perfect. Also, the melody wouldn't have been covered up completely by this drop.
Sounds like you spent between 3 and 7 hours on this. You're going to have to start paying more attention to the finest details. When you make a song, play it at two different volumes, once at full, once at half. If you get distorting sounds, that's a sign you need to look at your mix. Red-lining the speakers is not good either. Also, check it out on different sound systems! This is important! And never, ever use earbuds. In my experience, you can over-bass and neglect highs.
Get a spectrum analyzer. Learn to eliminate conflicting frequencies in the bass. Side-chaining will help with this, if you learn how to do it right. Look at what professional producer's spectrums look like. This will also help.
In short, this was a good shot at the style, but it didn't quite make it, for me. I liked it melodically and in concept, but the drop absolutely destroyed the sonaural quality by distorting almost the entire track. Also, there was distortion in your highs. Watch those very carefully.
Anyway, it's a decent song, and you're a good producer, so I hope this feedback helps. No matter what, never stop trying. Never give up your passion! And you can always hit me up in either my "Trying for 10k Reviews" thread in the Audio forum.
Keep hitting that mixer!
That comment was long and intimidating but I read it and I understand a lot of your points.
I honestly thankyou for your insane amount of things I can work on, I never dismiss criticism and always look to get better. I will act on the feedback and practice ALL and EVERYTHING you have told me. once again I cant thankyou enough! and I will defiantly try to fix up everything that everyone has pointed out! I cant wait to put these into action!
Ooh, these bass sounds are quite nice. The lead is a strange compliment though. Definitely quite listenable once things get going. Transitions help keep it from getting too stagnant. I'm not a huge fan of the hats, but that may just be me. Too machine-gun-y for me. Your lead at 1:30 isn't bad, but it's sort of overpowering the bass and percussion. It also gets a bit monotonous the longer the same progression drags.
Bass is sounding nice at 2:30-ish. Hot damn. I'd hit it. You could cut the middle and transition into the end progression if you wanted to. Those are really strong parts of the song.
I suggest a stronger kick, maybe a little compression on your kick and snare, and some master limiting. You're not making the most use of the volume as you could be.
Thanks for the request, and keep up the good work!
Here at Act and Consequence, and your drums sound good -- except the hat needs some modulation. It really sticks out. This seems quite the morbid piece -- like the aftermath of a murder. Your composition is strong in the theory, if a little predictable once we start the falling progressions. Predictable, however is not always a bad thing. I feel as if there is something missing from this act melodically at the chorus. Like some buildup that stops right before the actual climax. Could be the organ not standing out as the lead in my ear.
Moving on, outro was nice. I sense we are at B. The melancholy theme and delay play as it sounds is serving well. Loving the drumset introducing melody. Very dark carnival sounding stuff here around 4:20. Your progressions do not disappoint. Clearly you are quite talented in transitions as well. The accordion-banjo sounding synth that I can't put a finger on at first seems out of place, but upon its second entrance, I realize this is because the attack sounds approximately the same on every note. Bass solo is excellent. Crashes and rides were sticking out a bit though. Modulation is your friend! Drum solo is also very well written and we arrive at our chorus shortly after. I quite like this piece. Outro is well executed again.
We seem to be playing with the same chords with each transition. Excellent stuff here.
And here we are at e, I believe. Effects on the drums here were very appropriate to lead in with, however what sounds like a deeper cymbal, two hits, was jarring due to sounding less reverbed, somehow. Less metallic is what I'm going for. Pay very close attention to cymbals in a space. They stick out so much without any help from a momentarily untuned ear. This being said, I also feel as if there is something melodically missing here. Makes for very good studying music, however -- or cinematic music.
Final transition here. This one was slightly jarring when it came in due to the attack of the synths, but once it was there, it was cleverly written. The sample caught me offguard. It fits the track well, however.
Drums come in and we are at our slower finale. Definitely getting the vibe of people being ridiculed on stage -- or just people laughing at others. I'd say you accomplish your goal well. This one is short enough that I don't feel something is missing, and the outro is nice. Laughter ends a smidge short of the bass, which wouldn't have grabbed my attention were it not such a quick fadeout.
Overall, your pieces stand together well, and the presentation is pretty fabulous. It was a pleasure to listen to. I do not know if it would have kept my interest if I hadn't been consciously reviewing during the listening process so as not to lose place. Listened to it once full through and spot checked where I made marks. Review is largely unedited so you get the full picture as I went through the piece.
Thank you for the request. A for effort, and A for content. Great listen. :)
Thanks a lot for this highly detailed review.
The hats and cymbals are the part I had more doubts about, I lowered it's intensity, but I wasn't sure if it was enough, now I know they need some extra work, which I'll do asap, as well as double check all the details pointed. Nice to see you caught the "essence" on every "part" and the transitions intentions (which are indeed 3 variations on the same theme). You too deserve an A for such a good review. Thanks again :)
Pretty decent for a phone app. The sound quality of the piano does kind of grate on me. Is this straight up programming the notes? Is it original? It sure is catchy.
(no programming experience btw)
Yeah, pianogato is a pretty awesome app. you just click and drag the notes onto the staves (plural for staff, I learned that like a month ago) and you have a little bar at the bottom of the screen where you can modify the notes, like make them sharp and flat. if you get the 10$ upgrade you can do basically everything possible in music, except ritardando and use an instrument other than piano
And then it can play it for you :)
and yes it's original all by me (i mean, the piece of music not the app)
Love that progression and the falling kick. Gorgeous sounds. Could have used a bit more cymbal in the mix. Nice stuff!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06