I like the base melody and chord progression of this track once it is developed. My problems with it would be best summed up as mix, followed by accompaniment.
The synth after the intro has very predictable stepwise movement, and the lead that comes in is too loud throughout. The track sounds as if harmonies were an afterthought or occasionally accidental, however, riffs are not bad at all.
Lots of mud in the low register. Amen is hard to make out due to lots of reverb on the track or other problems of levelling. Leads are consistently too loud for instance, and there is a lot of clutter.
2:16, the kick rhythm sounds almost out of time with itself/the track.
I like the modulation on the rhythm at 2:34 including the bit crush. However, I'm not able to determine, is this the bass? No, I hear a bass after that. The bass is hard to discern due to issues of levelling.
Rhythmically, your breaks are very interesting to listen to -- can never have enough breaks <3
4:34, the bass here is one of my favorite sounds, period. It's sounding very over-reverbed and spread out. I would place the bass squarely in the center and mono-ize it below 150 hz. It sounds like in order to achieve depth throughout, you're using reverb and delay, which is not a bad thing, but it's very easy to overdo.
If this were cleaned up a little, I would happily give my 5!