Not many comments on writing here. Tons of nice things to say about your lead writing and driving rhythm parts. Although I would possibly double the guitar in the right channel on a third about 1:33. It's naked there. You could even just delay it in the other channel.
Playing wise, sometimes the rhythm gets a little laggy or rushy, particularly the intro chorus and the section before 2:25. Good intonation on the notes, just not quite sure where to attack at points. It almost sounds like you wrote the drums after you wrote the guitars.
Speaking of, throw those samples in a lake. No offense intended :) Or mix them differently. They are hiding in the mix somehow, even though I can hear them clearly. I can't hear the kick much at all, the toms sound like I'm listening with a cochlear implant. That and they sound like they might be in a totally dead room.
Actually the rigidity of the drums might be what's making your rhythm guitars sound off, if they aren't somehow humanized, etc. Or possibly the straight 8ths bass. Something there is going on with our fills.
The drums are really the only sound I don't particularly like throughout. They're top heavy. The rest of the backing sounds very boxy -- I might cut some 250 hz and below off of your guitars, speaking of. I'd probably turn the bass up a bit and also the kick drum.
On the transitions between sections it sounds like we've just trimmed off a track, like at 47 seconds into 48. More than one section is like that. 1:12 I'd like to hear ring out -- not like we're limited to live performance here, or can't pretend it's a sustain pedal.
Mixing wise, I just find there's not a lot of low end to prop up even the rhythm. By 3:55 the various parts are crowding out the drums. Drop some individual tracks down a notch. It's not like we're going to not hear them -- and again we have another very sudden drop out of solos. 4:38, those thirds on the sides can come down some and probably be sent to a reverb to give the spacious feel you want.
I feel they come in a bit too late as we completely drop out by 4:52 for -- it sounds like just chopping the volume to zero to get rid of any line noise. Leave just a smidge, maybe, so I can hear the full mute and string noise.
I really find myself wanting the section from 3:52 to just bleed straight into a chorus with those thirds coming in right at about 4:15, or immediately as the next section comes. 4:40 is just so, so short!
Anyway, great track. Really enjoyed the listen. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!