Very cool this was made with a bass. Makes me want to pick mine up.
Writing wise this is great, very unique sound. Lyrics are poignant. Vocal delivery is not bad.
Mix wise, I find some choices I don't necessarily agree with. For your verses, I would have a right and left vocal about 23-40%. On your choruses, the vocals are very, very clippy sounding. I don't know if they were recorded with red line levels, clipped, distorted, or compressed, or if they clipped on mix down. Sometimes that happens. That would be the first thing I would fix if you were to go back into mixing this track.
Secondly, it doesn't sound like your vocals have a lot of compression on them. I would turn those buddies into sausage casings and maybe use a transient shaper. Multiband compressors are good for this, and you can cut down on the frequencies below 250-300 hz to both save room in the mix and get a little more mileage out of the compression. right now it just sounds like you turned them way up.
I also would apply chorus or delay, to taste. Cutting reverb sends down and making sure the low end on reverb gets cut will usually improve the clarity.
For your choruses, your lead voice would probably do well centered, with those reverbed doubles pushed off to the side about the same amount as you've done your verses. I'm not sure if I'm left ear deaf, or if this song is just very heavy in the right channel with your vocals.
Very cool effects with the whammy btw.
Also, I find it VERY hard to hear your drums. That doesn't mean necessarily turn them up so much as it does turn everything else down. I would mix my tracks at about -6 dB of head room or at 20% or less volume on my PC. You'll find you tend to make better mixing decisions that way.
Anyway, fantastic job with this piece. It's like djent, but alt rock. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!