I just want you to know, my brain saw your username and immediately thought first track of 20... 11
Interesting, mellow piece. I can't tell if we have sub rumbling in my left ear or if that's tinnitus. I might cut it unless you center it more and make it swell in both ears -- to give more of a feeling of progression by 1:00
You've got a good theme going on, but I'm not really able to pick up an obvious melody outside of the plucks denoting suspended chords. By 1:46 this is somewhat resolved.
I want to say you have some really nice dulcimer sounds going on here. Holy cow. I wish this part had been just a bit earlier.
Interesting stereo play at 2:42. I think that staccato pluck throughout could use some more development and dynamics throughout, potentially to be pushed a bit to the back. It seems to have carried most of the whole piece, not leaving a lot of room for transition.
I'm not quite sold on the violin when it comes in. That one's not going to sound natural without a looooooot of modulation, sounds like. You could potentially treat it like a lead guitar in the mix, double track two instances of it and slightly detune one, change round robins, pan appropriately. It's very thin and flat there. I think even just a chorus or being thrown to the back with reverb a bit may help.
The next section with synth strings -- obvious ones at that, is much more balanced and lays in together. I honestly think you could get away with more obviously synthy instruments, which would completely jump over and sidestep the uncanny valley that's happening with the violin.
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