I'm highly confused now, but I like it
I think the vox is what kept me listening through this song. It's pretty captivating. The riffs are also nice. It sort of felt like you were fumbling around for a groove through most of it though. I still enjoy it, however, so you can relax. You didn't make it horrible. If you did, I wouldn't bother reviewing.
The piano in the back ground of this adds a pretty soothing effect to the song. It made the iffy transitions bearable, later on in the song. I just really didn't like the crashes. They seemed a little too early, too late, too loud, etc. I just thought they clashed with the song. The rest of the percussion is pure love though. I also like the gate effects you used. Now if only I could get my hands on FL, Nexus, and Vengeance, haha. You're honestly making me jealous. ;)