Heh, moody bells =b
This is a walk down memory lane for me. It reminds me of when I was little and used to play stuff like this on my keyboard. I like the section around 1:18 where you deviated from the main theme of the song a lot. Good job.
Heh, moody bells =b
This is a walk down memory lane for me. It reminds me of when I was little and used to play stuff like this on my keyboard. I like the section around 1:18 where you deviated from the main theme of the song a lot. Good job.
Thanks man
I like the appregiation you have going, but the beginning was pretty shaky and unstable. Some of the notes just sounded like they didn't fit. The rest of the song was fine. I enjoyed it a lot. It sounded a little empty though. Perhaps too much acid and drums blocked out all the sentimental sounding instruments. The song is overall overpowered by the drums. Better EQ'ing would fix that.
It's funny how different your review is from most of the responses I've had from friends and family haha. It seems like it's half and half, some people like the sentimental side at the beginning, and some people like the harder part towards the end.
As for the equalization, I purposefully kept the drums at a higher volume as it is to add to the intensity of the emotions that I was experiencing at the time of the songs creation, but I may have left them a bit to loud, cause it drowns out the main bell melody a bit. I may end up changing that a bit.
Thank you for the review!
- Aaron
I think the whole concept of the song is very good. What are the notes? I might want to experiment with something like this. Nice guitar synth part at the end. It sounds good, despite being a synth. I think a change of drums would be good. I think it'd be better for the song, if you intend on it looping. Great work on the beginning of it.
I think the beginning of the guitar synth stuff should've been done with feedback. It is much softer and better for ambience, and would make way for the synths later on. It'd also be better for it to be an octave lower.
That's some fucking awesome growling, espescially for a chick. I can do some sick growling too, but it kinda fucks up my throat if I do it for over 6 minutes. She sounds possessed, lol.
This is the best synthesized metal I've heard in forever. I swear some of it actually sounds real. Great job. Nice instrumentals, btw.
Cool, but out of place
I'd consider this somewhere between miscelleaneous and industrial. It's a cool song, but it's totally not the metal I've come to know here.
Sounds a hell of a lot like one of my songs tho. A bit repetitive, but it's cool.
Eh. . .
Way too much repetition and weird sounding synth riffs. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's just not my style. I've heard tons of stuff like this before. Maybe you should put a little more feeling into it.
soz mun
There were a ton of inharmonies in the background that kept annoying me. Pretty cool song there though. Good job!
I think some of the background noise/inharmonies come from two key places in this one:
The guitars I'm using are admittedly poor- the strings are old, they easily fall just a bit out of tune, etc. etc. Plus, I'm just not a good guitar player at all.
Also, I think some of that feel (to my ears anyways) comes with some of the percussion sounds.
Anyway, yeah, definitely a good point. Hopefully with time and practice I'll get better at the mixing process, and maybe even at playing the instruments so that this sort of thing will be much easier to avoid. But I do think at least a little of it comes with the territory when you make noisy music, and it occasionally even adds to the feel of the song. Not, of course, to the extent it's present here, I think.
Thank you very much for the kind words and the review. It's all appreciated, and sorry for the time it took to respond!
The only reason why I gave an 8 is that the clapping got on my nerves a little. Other than that, it's fucking awesome. Good work!
Yeah, i just took the edited version from youtube and put metal on it. glad you enjoyed it!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
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Joined on 9/3/06