Interesting. I recognize your sample pack right off the bat, but you use it nicely. Loop isn't quite flawless though.
Interesting. I recognize your sample pack right off the bat, but you use it nicely. Loop isn't quite flawless though.
Sounds like a lot of mixcraft presets and loops to me -- everything vaguely familiar. It's not bad though. I like the snare.
Thanks for your thoughts. No loops were actually used, but we did use a few stock preset instruments that were tweaked a little from VST's such as Sawer and Sytrus. The guitar sample was actually made by us....literally playing the guitar.
It's unfortunate that it sounds like that to you (meaning we failed to do something creative enough to pull away from that stigma) but I'll take that into consideration next time we work with these instruments.
Thanks for the feedback. It's always appreciated.
Really all you could use is better vocal mixing. Your flow ain't too bad, although at points it suffers and stutters a bit.
It isn't bad, but it isn't great. I hear so many presets, or what sound like presets. The mixing isn't too great, and there really is no variation throughout. In Trance you usually have a chorus. Just seems kind of lazy to me. I do want that crunchy guitar synth though. That was pretty nice.
There's a lot of distortion in your mix. This is weird as hell. Some points, I like it. Others, I'm like, what wacked out horror movie am I in? Ascending chords were nice but you didn't stay in them long.
It's a bit grating on my ears, never changes, and there is no bass, just a kick. Wish you'd have expanded on it.
Honestly, it sounds like laying a lot of instances of String Thing on top on one another without any FX. This is not really my cup of tea. I feel like a lot more work could have been put into this to make it sound better.
Bass doesn't fit the rest of the beat at all and it virtually doesn't change at all throughout.
It's not bad, but it isn't great. Your chord structures are pretty good, but this isn't a loop, and the drums are the area it suffers most. Kind of cluttery.
Same beat throughout, and I really don't understand what you are trying to accomplish with that odd drum beat. Bass sounds like a preset.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06