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Overall, it's good, but it's lacking something... some kind of punch I feel isn't being packed. It could just be the bass feels like it's just going "yawn, I don't want to be here" and sort of laying on top of the track without meshing with it. I could say the same of the drums.

Listening to this on my tower speakers, so a bit of a different listening experience for me, but beginning seems interesting. Canned thunder threw me off, but the piano is interesting. I'd have liked if the piano was a bit less synthy, maybe more modulation and velocity would fix that. Chord structure in those strings is clashing a bit with the piano -- perfect fifth movements, sounds like; in that case, I'd recommend some brief study of music theory, chord resolutions. Also, we end up stopping right in the middle of a build to go back to a (catchy) arp once things finally seem to get going -- a beginning leading to a beginning. That threw me off.

I think what really gets me here is the melody is pretty good, but the chord progressions behind it aren't really all that pleasing. The drums and strings almost seem canned. Just not a lot going on there.

I'll give you a good solid 3.5 for a good idea, but the overly synth strings and some careless implementation of that really keeps me from going any higher, especially the arrangement and progression.

This is pretty good stuff. I'd have liked to hear a full version. Got really invested in hearing more, and then it turned out to be a loop, haha.

EdKempeper responds:

Haha, many thanks for your review ! It was not a serious work, just a desire to submit something fun ! To make a good cover of this classic, I imagine something darker, in an industrial vein...

Pretty good. I like the drum beat. It seems to fit here well. My complaint is it could stand out in the mix more. Maybe you could sidechain that on your pad-ish long tone synths. Pretty good work here. Good drop, but I didn't like the string-ish synth. Sounds like you're using Adonis for that wubby synth.

What this could use is less clutter on the drop, hats slightly lower in the mix, and a bit more crispness, less reverb on some stuff. Just more concise cutoffs. It ends up sounding a bit bloody -- like everything is smearing together at parts, and a lot of the frequencies are very close to one another. There seems to be some clipping sounds toward the end. Watch that.

Other than that, good work. I'm impressed. You keep improving with each song you send me. Keep up the good work.

Finnsfolks responds:

Thx, man. I'll keep this stuff in mind.

I've been listening to the chorus of this song to drown out the sounds of my grandmother chewing in front of me at the bar for over 20 minutes. Thank you. This is catchy enough not to be annoying and loud enough to help me escape at most points.

Well done, well mixed, although I'm not hearing the old lady doing Zumba part quite yet. :P She sounds like a badass from what I can hear. If there's anything I can call your piece, it's dynamic, evolving. That I can appreciate.

Only one flaw. 1:06-1:09, listen carefully to the timpani in the right channel. It dips out at one point completely. Kinda made my ear twitch and took me out of the immersion for a second. Also sounds a bit distorted around there.

I can't tell if I'm cold, or if this is giving me goosebumps. I do like the lower range sounds.

NekoMika responds:

It does what it is supposed to do then. ^~^ Supposed to be my idea of what would play against Sixbones from Help_Tale. Rather than a distorted remix of sans and Papyrus themes, it fits better as they are in a lab when they encounter it.

My ears are not understanding what's supposed to be happening here, and the loop is not quite perfect -- probably due to some issues with the ng player. I'm not really hearing battle. I'm hearing more, stuck in space, hearing the rays of sunlight refracted from the moon.

NekoMika responds:

Yea, clips at the end for some odd reason, and yea, I get that feeling too. With the "battle" part, it was meant to be regarding battling part of yourself you are unsure of.

I'm surprised this doesn't have more reviews. It sounds pretty great. My only complaint is the saxophone. I'm spoiled to real instruments, having been around them so long. A little more velocity/creative use of the VST, or maybe even replacing it altogether with a sample, could have been more effective. It's a pretty cohesive mix with a definite theme, without being monotonous. Nice work, both of you!

Wick3dRabbit responds:

Thanks! Actually we used a sample for the saxophone, but maybe it could've been made better. Thanks for the review anyway dude :)

This is fantastic, relaxing, while also sort of feeling like an out of body experience. Vocals sound almost like one of those schoolyard chants. My one complaint is that vocals feel a bit buried by bass.

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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