I just got this awesome new laptop for Christmas. It ROCKS hard. It's just what I wanted! :D I'm VERY happy now...
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
Posted by ADR3-N - September 20th, 2007
Okay, so I decided to put some of my artwork up every so often. Anyway, I drew this a long time ago (few months). It was inspired by that time Bubbles, a bull dog chased Haley around the house. Haley jumped into my arms because she was so scared. I was relieved that she didn't get eaten alive. Anyway, here, it's funny in a way.
edit: in case you're wondering, her NG username is Haley87
Posted by ADR3-N - September 13th, 2007
Okay, so tonight at 10:00 I was brushing my teeth and Haley was taking a shower. I had headphones on and I couldn't hear the water running, so I thought she was already done and waiting in my room. I was also blindfolded because without my color contacts my eyes were light sensitive. I can't have them on for more than eight hours, so I had to memorize the house. I cut down the light down to the dim bulb only and took my bandages off so I could see how to brush my teeth better. Then I resumed the nightly routine.
A few minutes later I'm brushing my hair and she bumps into m, obviously from inside the shower. She was naked and wet, "tempting" I thought, "but then again, I remember what happened last time." Then she starts fucking poking my abdominal muscles.
That's when I pretended to freak. I said "What the fuck?! You're naked, and quit fucking poking me! Go put some clothes on!"
she replied "Why should I? Your parents won't be back until tommorrow evening."
Now it was just getting creepy. "What the fuck, are you trying to do, seduce me again? Please, go put something on, I don't care what it is, just put something on for god sake!"
After a second she understood I didn't care how long she looked at me with puppy dog eyes, I wasn't chancing my parents seeing her running around naked if they came back early so she went back to my room and I heard some drawers shuffling. After a minute or two she came back, wearing some of my boxers and my last shirt. I was a little pissed that she couldn't wear something else, but I did say "anything" so I didn't fuss at her for it. Atleast she wore something besides a few fig leaves.
And now we come to this moment in time, where she's sitting in my lap once again because SOMEBODY aka mom FUCKING BROKE the best fucking computer chair in the whole Fucking HOUSE! Now Haley and I are stuck with the crappy one! I just wish mom wasn't so damn FAT that the door had to be widened for her to get in the house! I'm suprised that instead of sitting in the room she doesn't sit all around it.
fat rant over
Posted by ADR3-N - September 2nd, 2007
This is a compilation of deadlines for me to complete flashes and submit them by. They are done in months, so incase I have problems I'll theoretically have plenty of time to fix them. They are in ordered by name and date and have short descriptions, 40 char or less.
Flash Schedule 07:
1: "Puppy go Bye-Bye" September07 ***Scratched!***
A flash about a puppy getting killed.
2: "RemeniscenceOfAMercenary" (music video in flash form) October07
I'm still working on this!
3: MiniTuts #8-10 November07 (maybe sooner)
3 MiniTuturials I've been getting around to making.
4: Christmas Flash December (Christmas) 07
Santa must feed!
That's the end of the yearly calendar, now wait for the movies to roll in.
Posted by ADR3-N - August 8th, 2007
I just want you all to know that I'm making a flash for Clock Day, of all days, from scratch! I have just started today on it and I'm looking forward to how it'll turn out. It'll be named "Clock Day 07, Andrea364 style" so watch out for it in the portal. It's fast paced and fbf. Take a little time to watch it because it will soon get interesting other than a B and Happy Clockday pretty quick.
I did not use any sort of tweens or use the "pencil" it is completely "Paint Brush" and there are two layers, one for sound and the other for the animation. Hope you enjoy!
Here's a screenshot. Feel free to comment and ask questions!