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    I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

    Age 29

    делаю хиты 8)



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    Posted by ADR3-N - August 6th, 2008

    YESSSSSS! I got stitches! .... again... Anyway, this time I had an awesome time before, during, and after I got them, and I'm going to tell you the short, but still very long version of how it all happened and all the freaky shit that came with it. My memory rocks, lol.

    .Edit: lol, keep in mind I did a helluva lot of speed typing here. BTW, this is why I haven't been on lately

    Here goes.....

    What happened that was so fucking awesome:

    It was last Thursday evening (around four or five-ish) and me and Haley were sitting around at her granny's house after we had just got back from walking around a little. Yesterday, there was this cute chick named Kacey hanging out with us and we bought a ton of energy drinks and got totally buzzed off of them, but she had to leave for a little while (that night was insanely awesome). So while we were lazing about at the table, writing little notes on gross, yet strangely satisfying, edible paper and laughing our asses off for absolutely no reason then all of the sudden, Kacey sneaked in and tried to scare us by suprise-tickling us. I wasn't phased in the slightest, but Haley looked like she would've shot up through the cieling if the table wasn't there. Again, we all burst out laughing.

    After Kacey ate the picture I drew on the afforementioned paper, she grinned and asked, "So, we going to that nice sounding old haunted house or what?" We had been talking about it ever since I got my dad to agree to let me spend the night there with them. Granny wasn't supposed to find out though.

    Haley said, "Shut up, Granny will here you and call Uncle Joey!"

    "So?" Kacey and I both asked.

    "Uh, we'll be totally screwed...." She said.

    "Eh, whatever, I have nothing to lose." I drug Haley to her feet and yelled as I tugged both of them out the door, "Granny, we're going walking now, probably be back in a few hours!" I spent the time that we had to walk to gawk at Kacey's butt while she was in front. She had dirty-blonde hair, black, square frame glasses, an attitude like mine, and she was wearing a black shirt and a pair of really tight jeans. Even with my stigmatism, I managed to pretty much undress her with my eyes. Her clothes didn't leave too much to the imagination, but it was a bit of a challenge. I love imature, non bratty babes. Sometimes I wished I didn't have a boyfriend already, but then again, that'd kinda suck. Atleast I could enjoy the view though.

    Anyway, we got to the house and went inside the second entryway. Everything exept for a few glass windows in the next room was either broken, or battered. I tried not to step on too much glass for fear of it ruining my favorite shoes too much. We had been talking a lot, the whole time infact, but I don't really remember too much of it. I do remember the creepy shit that went down in there though. We decided to stay in the room we entered in for a little while, because Kacey wanted to check out the stuff we had previously rifled through for a few minutes. During that time, Haley tried to get me to let her close the door, but to no avail.

    After about five minutes, I heard something whisper and said, "Huh?" When Haley asked me why I said it and I told her that I thought one of them had said something she started rambling on about how the house must do stuff to peoples minds.

    Then, I heard a breathy voice say "Hallo" and start talking about mirrors and white dots. I told the others and Kacey asked me to repeat everything that the house was saying. It was... interesting... to say the least.

    Suddenly, it got cold and I felt a chill run down my spine. Next thing I knew, Haley asked, "Did you guys feel that?"

    "Yeah." Kacey and I answered, almost unphased by it.

    "Wanna go into another room?" I asked.

    "Sure." she said, I could see the relief on her face.

    We got into the other entrance point and started to walk around in the room, and eventually we got bored and went back into the other room, ignoring the urge to go back out and get a jacket and continuing onward, into another room, moving an old TV set to get by, we stand by what used to be a nice window. Most of the glass was already knocked from the panes. When we got near them, I slowly became more and more compelled to bust out the last remaining unbroken glass. Seconds later, my unexplainable urge is satisfied and I'm left with 6 nasty cuts on my right hand. Two were pretty deep and already blood welled up in them. Suprisingly, I felt absolutely no pain, even on impact.

    I calmly removed all the glass from my cuts and nudged my new friend, turned around and grabbed Haley, who hung up on her ex boyfriend and let herself be turned to face the carnage.

    "Woah.... That's so awesome..." (blood fanatic, lol) she murmured to the much shorter girl, then she shrugged out of her black shirt and passed it to me (she was wearing another one under it), then took it back and wrapped it around my thumb, since it was bleeding the most. We were all calm as we went into the bathroom (scariest room even though nothing happened in it) until Haley mentioned the old 'two get hurt, one dies' myth. We left because some of the feeling began coming back into my hand and we needed to disinfect it anyway. Outside, Haley snapped some shots of my hand, which she affectionately named 'Mr Drippy Drip' after her friend Joey, who we call 'Mr Snippy Snip'.

    Haley got stung by three bees and freaked out, but we went into another room because it was getting pretty humid and there were clouds overhead. It looked like rain. We went into the least scary of the three sides on the far left and took shelter there.

    Once we were inside, Haley asked to hold my hand, but when we tried to lace our fingers together, this wierd electric-like feeling shot up my arm.

    "Did you feel that too?" She asked.

    "Yeah... wierd..."

    A few minutes later, I started singing about little white dots and mirrors, mixed with murder in a really high pitched voice uncontrollably. It lasted for about thirty seconds until both Drew and Haley started talking. Just then lightning struck some where in the distance. I remember going temporarily deaf, only being able to move my eyes, and reading Kacey and Haley's lips to see what they were saying.

    Kacey said, "Are you okay?!" ... or something.... I saw Haley push the "record button on her phone before I felt my stomach and throat lurch upwards a bit. Kacey repeated the same mouth movements and stared me in the eye.

    I looked to Haley and tried to talk, but I couldn't even move my mouth, or do much else other than breath rigidly. Something was up. Haley said, "Kacey, look at her eyes, they're wierd!" as she gawked at me.

    I looked to the other girl again, who still stared intently at me. Then without even being able to stop myself, I walked a step or two forward. Kacey's eyes widened and both girls backed up.

    I think Kacey said, "Dude, look, her eyes are black. There's like... no whitish stuff at all."

    "I tried to talk, but I still couldn't move my mouth still. It was also getting even harder to look around. That's as much as I remember seeing. From then on, everything went black and I could hear their voices again, as well as a foriegn one, which seemed to vibrate out from wherever I was.

    I decided to listen to what was going on. I heard Kacey saying "Hello?" and then heard Haley snap at her for waving her hand in front of me.

    "What's your name?" Haley said, then when Kacey tried to ask, she snapped again, whispering, "Let me talk to it!"

    "What's your name sweetie?" Haley asked again. I wanted to say mine, but I figured I wouldn't be heard, since now I couldn't even see what was going on.

    "I don't.... know...." The voice proclaimed.

    "Please don't tell me you're faking." Kacey said.

    I heard Haley babbling on about how I wasn't faking because I wasn't giggling or smiling and them practically having a mini sitcom about it before they stopped and Haley asked the thing inside me it's gender.

    "Are you a boy or a girl?" she said.

    "Girl." it said plainly, although it sounded like whoever it was had a serious speech impediment (or however you spell it).

    "How old are you?" Haley asked intently.

    "Six... teen... and a... quarter..." she said.

    "Isn't that how old you are?" Kacey asked Haley.

    "Um, yeah." she paused. "Are you pregnant?" she asked it... (her/it whatever)

    After a long silence, I heard Haley say "Damnit!" and I was normal again. "He hung up!" I heard finish.

    "Huh?" I looked over at my left hand, it was shaking a bit. "What just happened?"

    Kacey said, "I don't know, I think you just got posessed or something, your eyes went all black and you looked like a zombie or something... kinda like you were high on something."

    "I couldn't friggin move and you guys were talking but I couldn't hear what you guys were saying, what do you expect? And next thing I know, I go blind and then I finally can hear you again and there's this thing talking to you!"

    "Um... but didn't you see the lightning flash before you started asking us what happened?" Haley asked.

    "What lightning? I didn't see anything flash." I shook my head, "Damn, I have one hell of a migrain."

    "Fuck, that was creepy" Kacey said.

    "You tell me, you weren't the one on the inside." I grimmaced from the migrain.

    "Oh shutup. I recorded it and when we get back to Granny's, we can listen to it."

    "Good idea, my phone's going dead anyways, so it'd be best to go back and charge it up." she replied.

    "Come on, let's go before it happens again." I said, following them out.

    We paused in front of a tree because Haley got stung by some bees earlier and she collapsed in my arms. I accidentally dropped her, but she didn't sustain any injuries. Afterwards, we speed walked to Granny's trailer/house/thing.

    When we got back to Granny's and went in, I was babbling about how it felt good (I initially said "it feels kinda orgasmic now" and started laughing). In the bathroom, while Kacey was handling the disinfecting part (Haley wanted to do it, but even though she took a class on it, I told her I wanted Kacey to do it) and I was telling her what to do and how, I accidentally let out a little moan, Kacey said, "Did you orgasm yet?" and we both started laughing hysterically. We ended up pouring peroxide on it, even though Kacey thought that'd be painful, and bandaging it and instead of doing it the proper way, we just wrapped it up and used electrical tape to hold the Ace Bandages on my pinky and thumb. I called them ghetto bandages and we all laughed.

    We had a little meeting type thing in Haley's room and decided to take Kacey's digital camera on our next investigation. Kacey wrote down everything that happened to us so far in a note book and we came up with some sort of half-assed explanation of what happened. I really had no idea how we thought all of that up. Something about a rapist and a 16 year old chick who died there.

    We also changed shirts. Kacey took my red polo, Haley pulled on Kacey's black shirt, which was coated in my blood, and I took Kacey's super-tight brown tanktop. I got flashed, needless to say.

    When it was all said and done, I asked if they wanted to go back. We did. This time it was getting a bit dusky, we went into the same room we got bored in and Haley called Drew again. Suddenly, a knife came out of nowhere, aimed at Kacey. Just before it could stab through her, I pushed her out of the way, dodging it as well, but barely. It stuck in the wall.

    "I think it wants us to leave." I said.

    "Yeah, lets just stick to taking pictures outside." Haley said.

    We rushed out and got a pretty safe distance from it. Five minutes later, I get stung on my left and right arms and near the nail of my index finger. Right on the joint too. Unlike Haley, I immediately pulled out the stingers. She wouldn't let anyone touch hers. Drew hung up on her then. The way I saw it, by not calling the police and charging her with telephone harassment, he was being pretty nice to her.

    A few minutes later, she got another call, again, from Drew. And once again, wierd shit happened. This time I don't remember anything but us seeing a freakishly huge black dog in the distance, Haley and Kacey running, them stopping and pausing to look at me, and then some dialogue.

    Kacey said, "Her eyes are going black again." She had been taking pictures of the house with her camera while we stood around and checking them out on its digital screen, and she handed it to Haley, who flashed it in my eyes on accident. Then she did it again, this time on purpose, and Kacey did it the last time.

    Then a few seconds later, me not being able to control my actions, but this time I could hear and see too. I felt some sort of expression on my face. Probably a really toothy (aka evil looking) grin or something. Next thing I knew, Haley and Kacey both back up, I'm normal again and one of them drops a phone. I picked it up and trotted after them, but they took off full speed while I was just a few meters from them.

    Then when they stopped running and were still walking a bit fast, I caught up to them. Hearing my footsteps, they both turn around and start backing up. Kacey stops and stands there while I keep walking towards her. Just then Haley hangs up on Drew, and for what seemed to be the millionth time, I lost control of my actions. I remember finishing the action of handing Kacey her phone back, but after that, nothing.

    It seemed that Haley's phone and Drew together always would screw everything up. When I 'woke up' we were walking again and Haley passed me a notebook containing scribbles, writing, and doodles that they said I wrote. I don't doubt it.

    When we got back, we had to go inside and give Kacey her shirts back. Again I was flashed, then we went back out because she had to leave. We had a group hug, I actually got a kiss on the cheek before she left. We went back in and sat around until both of us started hurting like hell.

    I knew Haley was worse off than I was because she was getting a little delirious, but so was I, however, I wasn't having an allergic reaction to bee stings. In light of that, I had her call my mom to pick us up and take us to the hospital.

    When she got there, we both got in her car. My mom wouldn't let me just go to the hospital with Haley though, she had to go and take me to my father's house first to drop me off, when Haley was fainting in the car and not breathing unless I kept waking her up. This pissed me off that she didn't care, and my dad was taking her side when we got there too.

    In the end, I got out of the car and showed my dad the cuts, crying, not out of pain, but out of worry for my best friend's health and well being. I honestly thought she'd die. My dad called his sister and explained everything to her and she said I should probably get stitches, so my dad ended up getting me in the truck and taking me to the hospital, even though he didn't think I'd see her there. I told him to take me to Rileys, and he did.

    When we got there, I had practically cried my eyes out already and finished wiping the tears. I knew I was going to look like shit when I got there. We walked in and then I saw Haley and her granny. We talked for a few minutes and I ended up sitting next to her in the waiting room for walk-in patients.

    When Haley asked why my face was all red, I said, "I cried. Not cause it hurt, but cause I wanted to be here, with you. I couldn't let you just die up here all alone, now could I? You know I'd go with you."

    She said, "Aww, you're so sweet" and hugged me.

    Then we talked about how my mom was acting when she picked us up and I thought back to how me and her argued the whole way and she was all like "It's just a scratch!" when the cut on the thumb (worst) was roughly two centimeters in length and 2.5 in width and there were several more cuts on my hand, even a few more minor ones were on my wrist and forearm.

    Soon Haley got called and I was left a bit more alone. My dad and I talked to some other chick with the same name as me to pass the time. Soon I too was called and prodded about my personal information by a nurse. Then I was assigned a room in the ER. A few minutes after we got settled another nurse came in to talk to us. Before she left, I asked what room Haley was in and if she could tell her "hi". She told me, then she left and went about her business. After a while the same male nurse I saw before instructed me to remove the bandages, disinfected the wounds, gave me a tetanus shot in my left arm, and informed me that the doctor would be in to see me soon.

    After about ten minutes of annoying me, my dad went out to smoke a cigarette or two. Without company, I became a bit anxious and stood at the sliding glass door, peeking around the curtains until the doctor I was supposed to see noticed me. He came in and started to prepare to stich my thumb up while he told me exactly what he was going to do. He left to get something before beginning. During this time my dad came back.

    The doctor came back in and had a nurse prepare a syringe full of a local anesthetic to numb my thumb partially. He poked the needle around and squirted it in the wound, which to be honest, was fairly painful. Not as bad as I had expected, but pretty bad. He grabbed some forceps and another tool, along with the material he'd be using to stitch it up. I wasn't really paying attention to the stitching, but rather the small pool of watery blood running down my hand. In about a minute and a half, he was done and told me I was a good patient.

    I walked out of the room with him and snuck into Haley's while they weren't looking. She was in the room just to the right of us. We hung out for a bit until I dozed off with my upper body in her lap until she woke me up. I let her touch my stitches and we left a little later. Since Haley had no ride home, she ended up sitting in my lap in the truck while Dad drove and Granny got the window seat.

    Haley turned on the radio and played with it while I contented myself to babble on about my 'beautiful stitches'. It was Friday morning by now and it was almost 2:30, according to Granny's watch. No wonder I was a little loopy. Plus, I think the anesthetic was getting to my brain just a wee bit. Anyway, we got really hungry and we all went to eat at The Waffle House.

    We sat down at a table, but Dad wasn't satisfied, so we sat at the breakfast bar. Haley was by the wall, texting, I was next to her, and on my left were Dad and her Granny. Incase you haven't noticed by now, I call her grandma 'Granny' too.

    Before we ordered, Haley and I went to the small one person bathroom (Haley usually has a habit of forcing me to go into the restroom with her) to wash our hands. About 30 seconds later Granny came in. Haley touched up her make up while I fixed my hair.

    "Man, we look rough." I said, as Granny left.

    "Yeah, no kidding."

    "I'm tired and hungry." I yawned, "I'm going back. Don't get yourself killed, ok?"



    "Let me come with you-"

    "Okay... I'll wait on you right here."

    When she finished, we went back to our seats and I proceeded to compliment my stitches, which made Haley giggle. When a chick came by to take our orders I got a waffle and a Mr Pibb since they were out of Dr Pepper. Haley got two different plates. One was an omelet, the other, no idea, I forgot. She also got the same drink I did. Dad was pushing me to eat more, when he knew I couldn't eat much anymore ever since one of my dogs died. I had to finish Haley's omelet for her though, and I managed to stomach it. That shut him up, so even if I was a bit uncomfy in my tummy, I was happy.

    After Haley and I finished eating, we started cracking jokes. I remember her saying, "This is Granny and your dad's first date" and us both bursting out laughing. Then we were saying "Bill and Granny sitting in a tree..." and blah blah blah. You get the point.

    Later, dad paid the guy at the register and we got back in the truck. On the way back to Granny's house, Haley asked me, "Do your pants have a boner?" and she raised up a bit and came back down, shifting a bit, causing me to blush.

    I said, "I don't think pants can have boners...", accidentally thrusting up with my pelvis when we hit another bump.

    "Um... just nevermind it."

    After a few minutes, we got there and my dad let me spend another night with her. We went inside and she practically died when she plopped down onto the bed. Someone called her and woke her up when she dozed off. She asked me to give her a back massage with the baby oil she had and slipped off her shirt and bra while she was talking to him. Massaging apparently is my thing so I went ahead and did it. It was a bit awkward because I had to sit on her but to do it and the baby oil was getting on the stitches, which were now painful and sore. Nevertheless I gave her a really nice, thorough massage.

    While I methodically rubbed her back and neck, she said in a dreamy voice, "I wonder what baby oil tastes like..."

    "Me too..." I said.

    "Wanna find out?"

    "Um... Sure, why not."

    "Then I dare you to lick my back." She grinned.

    "Huh?.... Well, that's definitely out of the ordinary. But if you say so."

    I licked her back, which was saturated in slippery, almost tasteless, baby oil.

    She twitched and said, "Dude!"

    "What?" I heard her boyfriend say.

    "I feel like I've just been licked."

    "You were, you dared that chick to lick your back."

    "Yeah" I agreed.

    "Oh..." She said.

    Later on after I finished massaging her, we fell asleep under the covers, she still had no shirt on, but I didn't care. I was tired. I woke up with her still asleep, on top of me. Tempting, but I was still too damn tired to care. I'd set an alarm for later.

    About two hours after we woke up, Haley had on glasses which reminded me of my ex girlfriend. I didn't say so though. We went next door and hung out until her boyfriend , TJ, came over. After lots of awkward snuggling and stuff, a guy named Dalton came over too. He pissed me off a little.

    The four of us went back to the haunted house again and after Dalton made the same mistake I made about 5 times, he cut his wrist and finger open and he was a big baby about it. I cared, just not much. His cuts weren't even that big, plus he's a guy and he almost cried, but I didn't and I'm a girl. I have some of his blood on my shoe now.

    He left anyway and went home to his mom or whatever and we went back into the house and goofed off until some freaky shit happened and my little skitsofrenic voices started 'coming out' to keep the world informed as Haley called it. I don't remember anything until I get pushed out of my own body somehow and in the house. I finally get back when Haley, TJ, and my body go in the room that the first posession thing happens in and I remember hugging Haley and going back to Granny's house for a bit, then it was like I just fainted.

    Well, what happens next is TJ goes home, and my dad picks me up from there and we say our good byes.

    Freaky shit... But that's what I get for going in a freaky house. All in all, that was actually pretty fun


    Pretty cool.

    I am planning myself too; to visit a haunted house, just hope I don't get hurt over there too, lol. Really intelligent writing, and very enjoyable reading. Glad that you are back!

    I plan on visiting the haunted house maybe sometime before school starts up again, at night, around 12 or 1 A.M at night. Like I said before, glad to have you back!

    Not exactly intelligent, since I spent 3 hours typing that up despite the major pain in my right hand. I took the stitches out earlier this week.

    Good luck not getting hurt!

    Whoops, I wish I can edit this damn thing!

    Yeah, I didn't know you have a stigmatism. Awesome, so do I!

    Just wanted to splat that on there, lol!

    Awesome, now we're like twins! XD

    ok but your cheating on me

    I didn't say I screwed someone, I just got an involuntary kiss on the cheek. As in 'I didn't ask for it'.

    EDIT: or if you're talking about the back licking thing, we do crazy stuff like that a lot. It's all in fun.

    ey girl that`s a pretty long blog post you have there.
    i got tired even by only scrolling it down.
    try to put it in 2 words plz.
    I drunk
    boyfriend fucked
    sucked dick
    you know whatta meaan ?!

    I know, but I got bored and a lot of shit happened. I prefer to give people something to read every now and then.

    Sounds like a normal day for you lol. The zomping out must've been weird though, am I right? I've only had stitches once. I'm not saying where on here though. Getting glass stuck in you is no fun >,<

    Yeah, fucking weird, although I have had several 'out of body experiences' before. I had lots of fun though. : P


    Wow your life is like amazing, Well it's probly a normal day to you :o.
    I also didn't know you had a stigmastism, I have one :I but thats still cool.
    Did you really get possessed for a second, If you did that sounds freakon awesome :).
    I've also been in a haunted place before and saw something crazy like a dead farmer staring at me then dissapears, Pretty freaky..
    Loved your story, would really love to hear more <3!

    Yeah, all this stuff is true. I'm hoping to go back in a few months with the same chicks.