very nicely done
everything is smooth espescially the animation and your lipsync is right on.nice choice of songs!
very nicely done
everything is smooth espescially the animation and your lipsync is right on.nice choice of songs!
woah dude thats totaly awesome
espescially the part where they attack him and pull him into the computer and then into macromedia flash8!Great job keep it up!
way to go KK!
This is actually good entertainment,great tribute you guys!*hug*Much better than the usual crud!Just lose the stick figures.
i love hugs,
much <3 to you from the Kitty Krew
wow dude thats awesome
(suposing you're a dude)I've never heard of Primal War,but now that I've seen this I'll try it!The view was great,but the screen size could be bigger...The other guy is right,this'd beat the Yuyu easy,if you polished the animation a bit.
wow not a fan of u guys but.....
the bad half is the stick dudes......people hate most stick guys did fairly well today!good work but it could be improved.
good luck
hope the blam lovers dont get this one cuz well its great!
and a star is born!
good lash but i couldnt really see the transparent kirby thing.yhe song fit the mood well, honestly you did good!Ill look for your stuff too!
well better than your first one
this one might or might not make it,fair chance of making it tho.the sound volume was way too low tho and it really made it hard to concentrate on the funny sure you all are wondering what funny parts but that is something that i am to lazy to tell you....
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06