Never heard you speak before, but I have to say, this was quite perfect. Your voice worked very well for the characters. :)
Never heard you speak before, but I have to say, this was quite perfect. Your voice worked very well for the characters. :)
Thank you - I've been reading his work aloud for about 15-20 years, so I've had lots of practice
The only flaw I see is the vocal build in the beginning. The drop is gentle without being underwhelming, and those snare rolls are nice. The melody seemed to sit just a tad higher than the rest of the track, however. Overall, great work. I like your production style a lot! Just wish that last note would hang rather than chopping off like that.
thanks for the review, yeah the melody does seem a bit higher which was a mistake :x should've turned it down just a little.
Sounds pretty great so far. Can't wait to hear the full version! What else are you planning to do with it?
Thanks! I found a few videos I might take some vocals out of but if I get a response from this friend of mine I might get him to record a few rap vocals.
Interesting. The deep, obscured voices were a nice motif. When the second half of the song came in and ramped up the tempo by a good third, it was a little rough to start, but it reminded me of horrorcore without the mindless noise, if that makes sense. I like it!
Great job with the percussion and ambient FX sounds. I could dance to this. :)
never heard of horrorcore might check them out. ha
I like the percussion throughout -- unique. Piano sounds are also a fresh sight in the DnB end of the portal. The ending seemed a little abrupt, albeit well written. For eight hours, this is some fine work. :)
Sounded more typical techno around 00:43. Pretty decent little tune. The beginning wasn't quite to my taste. May have just been the detuned saw sounds against one another combined with a repetitive drum pattern. After that, it's great.
Hi ! Thank you for your comment ! I will keep your advices in mind.
I like the almost reflective quality to this. Can hear the sub kicking in around 00:34 pretty hard. Snapping percussion is a nice touch with all that reverb. Hi-hat sounds a little naked though. Bass sounds at 1:20 sound like they're breathing, which is very cool.
You may want to look at some music theory for your arrangements. You seem to have a good sense of harmony already, but I think that may help you in future compositions, if you haven't already gotten a good knowledge of chord progressions.
Overall, nice, laid back yet serious sounding piece. Good work!
Thank you for the review EDM364. I always like having that sound that travels along with the bass.
Felt like practically the entire song was buildup until 1:00. Sloth DJs would love this. The moment the bass came in, the sound waves started distorting. Check your mix. The hook was alright, but other than that, needs work.
Keep hitting that DAW until you make a hit. :)
sorry i shoulda stated its just an idea stage atm...its all about the build up the song is irrelevant..was just practising build ups...the bass kinda sounds distored due to the filter effect i believe or maybe its cause its a distored bass im using lol? Cheers for review though :)
Sorry to hear about your breakup, man. Hold on and push through.
On the song, I like what I'm hearing so far up to the one minute mark. It may just be the chord progression and the tendency to use strings that leads me to think of other tracks I've seen around the Trance end of the AP, but in short, it's nothing groundbreaking. However, it is catchy, and I like it. You may want to explore other chord progressions. The ones here are pretty common. Other than that, great! Your transitions were a little shaky at first, but it settled into a fine groove.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the honest review pal!
Ill get through it in time.
I just really needed to produce something to take my mind off things.
Thanks for the advice and good review though, glad you enjoyed it!
I hope you'll stick around and check out my other stuff (:
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06