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This will definitely be going in my play list. You have some really nice melodies in there and there is sufficient bass to back them up with harmonies. The beginning you picked was perfect. The only things that I can point out that needs work is the strings and the drums. The strings sound a tad fake. Maybe some reverb would help. The drums are too accented and loud for this type of song. I don't reccomend using shakers like that in this type of song. Just go with a closed hi-hat.


Great job, and congratulations on getting it on the Best of the Week! The song is very sweet, even though the transitions between phrases do not flow very well. You should probably get a real bass player to play the bass guitar part. Synth bass just doesn't sound as awesome. I play bass and guitar, so it'd be a pretty easy task for me. I have an ear for notes and tone.

mjattie responds:

it are just four notes. Don't know exactly what you mean how that can be improved... It's not a hard piece, so... but if you wanna improve it, just send me a pm and I'll give you the .rns file


This is a pretty cool song, but it could use some EQ'ing because yet again, there is static that I hear. The song is pretty good, but I'd consider this Trance, as it is pretty repetitive. Nice work on it though. Turn down the 32 K a bit though because the bass is giving me a head ache, and I'm sure it will give others a similar problem.

Dj-Ene responds:

Well I know most of my old songs sounds like shit :P. But I'm not gonna bother to redo them. review new stuff instead kk! :P

It's okay

I prefered the other version a lot more, despite the new little twist on the melody. It's a pretty sweet loop of it. I still can't get enough of your work. I suggest EQ'ing the kick and some of the synths better because there is some static, and I know for a fact that my headphones are good.


It could use more substance, but it is very good. Congratulations on the front page! I'd say NewGrounds is pretty happy now. My only suggestion would be to add more bass and less treble. I think a little EQ'ing is in order to bring those hi-hats out.

Very nice!

Nicely done! I never thought I'd catch myself enjoying a jazz song this much... Guess it's just the little nerdy band student in me. *shrug* Great work on the upright bass and brass, despite the latter sounding a tad fake. Good intro. This is very good compared to most of what I listen to, and it's easy on the ears. Sweet relaxed feel you have going on there. Awesome trumpet solo by the way. This is going in my playlist and it's not moving from there! =3

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Well, actually, the one solo was an alto sax, unless you were talking about the horn ensemble in the beginning. This actually is a cover of the music from "Super Mario RPG" on the SNES system for when you're in Booster's tower, but I thought it would have sounded interesting done in this fashion.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.


This is exceptional for a 2004 song, and even with a crappy vocaloid, it sounds awesome. I love it! This is amazing. You should make more! This will be going in my favorites and my playlist. Nice bass, by the way.

Setu-Firestorm responds:

I'm glad you liked it. From the days that I was stuck with the vocaloid, this was at least one of my favorite older songs.


Something about the singing style is a bit weird to me. The piano is wonderful though. You did an amazing job on this. I applaud you. You should get signed by a record company or something. You're definitely better than me at composing.

Setu-Firestorm responds:



Needs more growling and screaming. It'd be much better if it had a male singer and more volume on the electric guitar. Louder bass and less volume on the singing and orchestral elements. The orchestra and choir practically block out the guitar all together. It's a good song none the less.

It's pretty epic, even considering the flaws. It sounds like a fusion of opera, classical and metal to me. If it would have been done a bit differently, I'd have given a ten. This is definitely original. \m/

MaestroRage responds:

Now just because this is a metal piece does NOT, I repeat does NOT need male singers. I don't get why people need to shun this song just because a woman wrote it and sings in it. It's really kind of sexist in a way. Anyway, thank you. This is supposed to be something new, and I'm glad you recognize that. Thank you for listening.
With love,
LadyArsenic <3

Sweet song

I have no idea why this is so low rated, your song rocks. I can't find any problems with the rythms, they fit perfectly. Flawless job!

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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