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Was hard to tell the meter at first, but I noticed the non triads. Very nice work! Favorited, dl'ed.

Very laid back -- beautiful. I'm probably crazy, but it makes me think of Tupac. It gives me the same feeling as when I'd listen to some of his easy going tracks.

Nice, cheerful, and simple. I like it! Vocals could use just a bit more harmony to the lead, but maybe that's just my own personal taste.

viewtifulday responds:

Thanks for the review :)

Relaxing yet revitalizing at the same time. I found it really fresh -- can't tell if those are 9th chords or 7ths or what (too late in the morning, haha). But very nice. Saw lead wasn't grating, but it seemed kind of plain. Maybe modulate it a bit, like JoshuaHughes said. I'd definitely love a mix like this!

piggemz responds:

thanks for the kind words again, and yeah, that saw lead is quite plain. i never got around to making the mix but mebe one day

Loving all the chromatic scaling and whatnot going on here. Beautiful composition! Absolutely brilliant.

piggemz responds:

hey thanks stranger, glad u could catch this ol' tune of mine

I do hear it! Very nice. Clearly very Pokemon inspired. My only gripe is that it doesn't loop very well on its own, so it'd be pretty hard to use in a battle scene without trimming silence.

metroidfannumber1 responds:

Oh right the looping. I noticed that there was a looping option but I didn't get it set up for that so I said never mind.

A little long and drawn out, but it has this unending sort of urban, surreal feel to it, so I suppose that's a compliment of sorts. Nice work. :)

Hope you get scouted soon!

JayCarSpray responds:

Thanks! Yup getting a sense of the program

You nailed the chilling part -- or at least it seems as if a criminal is plotting something dastardly -- but sadness, not really. I get "cold suspicion" and "cruel intent". Percussion is good, but it could use some variation every now and then, or at least some reverb; it doesn't feel very... human? Perhaps that's the intent. Loops well though.

Very nice, and very weird! Interesting that you didn't intentionally include the main themes of Touhou, as well. I suppose the minds of great composers think alike. I like the dissonance!

Syzion responds:

Thank you!
Late respinse: I didn't realize this was originally from Touhou. I thought it was a composition from some pianist of some previous century.

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