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Starting off, this is one of the most common progressions of the EDM genre, the ever building 4 chord staple, so to speak. This one doesn't sound bad, but the opening synth is a little generic. Maybe mod it a little or change up your oscillators. These sounds were more prevalent in the 80's. The synth around 1:10 sounds a little more mature.

Overall, the track so far is lacking a little bit of punch. The volume and breadth of frequencies just isn't there. Instead here are the staples of house in rhythm, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I like the transition around 2:20. It's very mellow and catchy. Could've used a lot more punch before it.

2:50, we're back to the generic arping synth. There is also a total lack of hi-hat here. On the positive side, although there's little punch, there is also little to NO distortion, which is good! Your melody is catchy. I just think it could use a bit more volume, a beefier kick and snare, maybe a little side chaining.

The synth around 3:50 sticks out in a not so good way. Could use more modding/FX. Also, the return of the main theme at 4:34 sounds like a loop gone slightly off. Completely caught me off guard. Fade is nice though.

I sense you may be pretty new to producing, but don't give up. There are good things happening if you're getting this far on your own. Don't get discouraged, and don't ever stop trying. Things will get better in time, and you'll have more samples and better DAWs to work with. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to help.

Thanks for the request!

Doesn't sound bad at all, opening up, however I think there is some distortion going on. Tame those frequencies. 00:30 sounds a little dry, and the bass doesn't really fit with the melody for a bit after that. All things being said, the main hook of the song itself is quite catchy, just work on your transitions. Around 1:40 was the most jarring transition of all with that slippery overlaid synth.

There's also a total lack of hats and crashes. Very minimal track. I was surprised when a snare came in at 2:40. There's also not really enough cohesive movement throughout to call it progressive. When you're going for progressive, think of things building on top of one another and transitioning, not really changing altogether much. You can keep the same hook and change it up without it being progressive.

Overall, it's not unlistenable at all. Hone your producing a bit and you'll have a good sound going for you.

Keep it up!

Ooh, this is very nice. Kudos for getting orchestral brass/string synths to cooperate for a jazz piece. Your percussion writing is very strong and drives the piece well. High end on the strings sticks out a tad bit when things get heavy, but that's to be expected. Bass sounds a tad out of tune on the high end, but that could be because of volume. It's only in certain spots. Doesn't really detract from the song.

Loop is a bit jagged, but barely. Excellent work, especially mixing on the live instruments!

Step responds:

Gonna have to agree with you on the high-end complaints. I abuse high-end haha. And there is definitely something wonky with that bass. My bass samples suck :(.

Thanks for the review, man!

The violin lead sounded nice, if not a little too thin for the piece. Perhaps adding some reverb and taking some high end off would make it blend better.

Otherwise, your chord progressions are beautiful and appropriate. When the string section comes in at 2:20-ish, watch your high end. It sounds like your lead is a bit too far ahead of the harmony. Maybe reverb lightly and push it somewhat into the middle of the ensemble. Those higher frequencies will stick out on their own.

Your piano synth is perfect for the piece, and it comes off as thoughtfully melancholy. Emotional expression is top notch.

Thanks for the review request!

Sounds like a lot of cinematic pieces I've heard before, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Try experimenting with different chord structures. Other than that, you've made fantastic use of your synths, and they sound very nice together. I can't imagine how much time it must have taken to write.

Transitions are quite nice, though chord changes are very predictable in the main theme. Overall, however, the piece accomplishes what it sets out to do. Production wise, watch your high end. What sounds like a trumpet or horn rings in my ears a little bit on both of my speaker systems, as well as studio headphones. Otherwise, good work. Your use of timpani was what initially grabbed me. Nice!

Thanks for the request!

Interesting, quirky synth in the beginning, and the piano sounds pretty nice. Could use just a tad of modulation so it doesn't sound like a midi. Chords are all pretty (I actually think you could stand to make the -- it sounds like saws -- stand out more), and everything seems mixed pretty well. I like the sort of delicacy of the tracks as a whole, as well as returning to the same themes throughout. It's one of the most sensitive ways I've seen dubstep handled, and it still keeps the punch of the genres as a whole. At 2:22, you could have just hammered it home rather than feeling like another buildup was necessary. Would have been just as satisfying. Great work!

Thanks for the request!

NevoMusic responds:

Thanks so much for the review! You've given me some great insight. I'm glad I made a request!

Piano synths aren't usually my thing, but you made fantastic use of it, and I love your bass. Beautiful track, and fantastic chord progression. Those arps laid in there superbly, and side-chaining was perfect. Thank you.

Gorgeous, positive music. Snare at around 3:45 could have been given a bit more life, but it didn't stick out, so no complaint. Keep at it!

Great chords! I was expecting a trap beat, the way you presented it at first. It's certainly very laid back. Beautiful stuff here. I love it. That sneaky bass is great, too. Sounds not quite ambient, for the 2:30 mark. Maybe house. Really laid back house. Someone double-check me because I'm not the greatest at divining genres. In short, I'm in love with this track. Excellent stuff!

Thanks for the request!

MuffinLad responds:

Hey, thank you so much for the reviews! I'm glad you enjoy the songs :) I wasn't sure what to tag them as either.. Usually I choose electronic 'chill' so I thought ambient might be the closest thing. I made it all electronically, but I like making relaxing tunes :)

Very nice sounds, but the build up is quite slow. The conventions of DnB are fast tempo, 150 and above, and breaks. Look up the "Amen Break", and you will see what I'm talking about. The bass you have here is certainly nice to listen to, as are the atmospheric synths. I just don't feel as if it's complete, for the DnB genre. For DnB, this would simply be a very long intro. Other than that, amazing sounds. Just needs a bit more oomph. Try out some breaks, slice them up, and drop them on top, if you wanna see what I mean.

Thanks for the request!

I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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