This piece makes me sick, in a good way. Like looking at burnt, blackened skin. I can offer no critique, but I can say I wish to all hell I knew where you got hands on a string library to accomplish this piece! Very nice.
This piece makes me sick, in a good way. Like looking at burnt, blackened skin. I can offer no critique, but I can say I wish to all hell I knew where you got hands on a string library to accomplish this piece! Very nice.
>>This piece makes me sick
I laughed so hard when I read this.
The string libraries represented here are these two:
8Dio's CASE Solo String FX and 8Dio's CAGE Strings
Thank you for commenting.
Personally, the piece was not really to my taste, and it hangs a bit over the 6 minute mark, but the composition was not necessarily bad, just a bit monotone and sort of a wall of noise to me. It should be said that fugues are not my favorite things on earth. The lack of relative velocity differences between notes made this not very fun to listen to, and I can't seem to find the art. You may have linked it in the thread and I just can't find it. Oh well. Cheers for the writing.
Very strange piece, and spacey. I feel the percussion gets kind of lost in the mix. Kick is fine, underwatery, maybe. Snare just seems to be laying there. The rest of the track may not be to my particular musical taste and sound a bit preset-y, but that could be owed to the chord structures. I did enjoy the piece. Transitions were good.
I love to experiment with panning and velocity when it comes to hi-hats and percussion in general (not kick and snare). Maybe that's the reason you said it's getting lost in the mix.
I wanted it to, let's say, flow - so it's not too linear.
And yeah, don't know what genre would it be, but was going for the melodies and transitions as the main focus of the song.
Thanks for another review :)
A fantastic idea garbled together with the execution. The vocal filters and mixing are completely muddying the sound and soaring above the rest of the track in an unpleasant way. Generally, I adore screaming, but I can hardly understand it at all. Sometimes it sounds like holding a microphone in a wind tunnel.
Thanks for the tips :D I have lots of practice to do with these vox, will definitely be trying other approaches in the future!
Some elements are overly repetitive and synthetic, but overall, I enjoy this piece. Background percussion and that simple bass groove really steal the show and keep things moving. The rest I could say has already been said. Enjoyed the song thoroughly, and the art was well-represented. Good work!
The praises and complaints I have to offer have already been said, aside from a slightly dry piano. Atmospherically, this is a very pleasing piece. I could have gone with a little more happening around 2:10 than simply restating the same melodic idea. It feels almost artificially drawn out, even with that feel of wonderment and exploration. What's going on at 2:57 should have been going on an entire phrase ago! Very nice work, however. I thoroughly enjoyed.
Good piece. Sonically reminds me of Pachelbel Canon, which while rudimentary, is pleasing. The atmospheric elements and delicate touch are what separates this track from a children's piece. Represents the artwork well, with a few nice surprises. There are some places where it really feels the melody is hammering down on some harmonies, though.
Composition-wise, this is very solid, dynamic, and quite enjoyable. What I dislike is the mid-range reverb ringing, which is just very unnatural to my ears. No matter how much I enjoy the composition itself, whatever reverb plugin you've got going on is just not doing it for me.
Thanks for your thoughts EDM. No reverb plugin, just the reverb that comes with Versil's EtherealWindsHarp VST. Composing for playable harp can be challenging, (which this scored composition is, a playable harp composition). At any rate thanks for leaving a review :)
While I much prefer the atmospheric portions of the track to the dub elements, this is a whopper of a composition. You took several seemingly contradictory elements, added some malice, and here we are. Stellar job. Tuba synth really threw me off until things came together. That's something that probably could do with a bit less nakedness.
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you. I guess the tuba seems to stick out like a sore thumb (especially when it's pointed out more than once lol). I didn't change it much compared to how it fits in the rest of the song other than maybe the dynamics of it, which I guess goes to show how much blending and mixing can make a difference.
Your first sentence gives me hope on this track being competitive. I don't expect to win this contest now (which isn't as important) but it's good that the composition is noticed.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06