This is both soothing and creepy. I need it. Well written. Really enjoying it.
This is both soothing and creepy. I need it. Well written. Really enjoying it.
Wacky, fun, and spooky. Theremin could use a bit more vibrato, and so could your percussion. It feels like the rest of the instruments are overplaying it at some points. Nice work!
Nice beat, Warspawn. Pretty good flows. Delivery could be just a little cleaner, and a little better mixed, but definitely a nice contrast between styles. Qwaint probably would be a favorite around my old college. Mao, probably best flow on this track. A little unsure at some points with T.R.E, but no obvious trip-ups.
Not really my style, but creative, as always. I feel like the 20-50 Hz range is way too up there. Seems to be distorting in my studio headphones just a bit. It's a little unintelligible on my end. I'd like to hear something a little clearer.
Also can hear your fan noise, or something, on your vocal tracks, that could have been cleaned up with EQ. If cleaned up, would be good. Not deserving of such a low score imo.
Also, sorry you ran into the occasional opportunistic, jealous arse. Best to just ignore 'em, eh?
I think the only thing this could use more of is compression on the vocals. The beat is just a little too loud overtop. Okay, well, moderately too loud. Not so loud I can't hear, but it's still a bit hard to understand what you're saying, not because your diction is bad or the recording quality, but they're just way down under that beat. Compress them hard, bring them up, then do your EQ magic.
You could also chorus any sung stuff really wide and get a nice smooth sound. That's what was missing from your intro, but I honestly would love to hear more like this.
If the vocal volume issue were fixed, this would be the BOMB.
I swear, you're a lyrical genius, Teq. Could still use a little more compression on your vocals, and maybe a bit of panning if you're going for that Pac-style chorused sort of delivery. In the middle it does get a little muddled around "Defender of Butt Cheeks", but otherwise, great. Not a huge fan of the opening, but by the time you start your verse, it's gold. Love to see more word play like this. <3
Sorry for the decade-late response, but thanks for the review man! Also in hindsight, and after years of having this song pop up on shuffle, I super hate the opener I chose to go with on this too.
Another fun fact... is that I started writing songs as Teqneek when I was 17, and was in my 20s when I finally got the chance to record tracks. My first few recording were songs where I threw my name around in them, and thus started my first YouTube channel under the moniker Teqneek.
I started gaining some traction and simultaneously started thinking "I kinda hate my rap name and really wish I could change it, but it's too late now. I'm famous. I have like a hundred YT subscribers. I could've totally changed it and been fine, but back then I thought it would be too risky and kinda reset my "rise to stardom".
So basically I hate the opener to this song AND my rap name.
Damn that story just came out of the blue lol I intended to take about 25 seconds writing this reply 😅.
Anyway cheers homie, hope you're living good out in this 2020s hellscape
A little bare bones, as mentioned, but it has that sort of innocent sound to it -- could listen all day. Nice work as always, Bert!
Aww, thanks so much for listening. I very much appreciate the thoughtful feedback ^-^
Those falling horns and stabs... That's it. I'm downloading this song. Ending reminds me of the screaming scatter drill we did at the end of Jaws one year. Do I get a cookie?
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06