Wayyyyy too overcompressed. Seems all the same velocity. Writing would be fine if not for that. Quality is just killing me.
Wayyyyy too overcompressed. Seems all the same velocity. Writing would be fine if not for that. Quality is just killing me.
Really clean, good guitar sounds here. If not for the drums being so flat, I'd 5.
Cute. An acquired taste though. I'm not really digging the drums though. Very flat.
First vote. After two years, that's nuts.
This sounds pretty good, but that clean guitar is really centered. Bass is almost nonexistent. Drums are very thin and tinny sounding. Clean guitar would be a lot better doubled. 7th chords are really nice. Occasionally there's some really gritty, weird dissonance.
This would probably do better in the General Rock genre.
Nice and dirty. Sounds like it's run through a bar PA system. There were a couple places where the kick was a bit out of time or you dragged, rushed, but I'll just pretend it's a very drunk band on stage for now. :P
I don't see what No-Stereo is saying. Bass is absolutely fine. Drums are also fine. The only thing that could really use work is the mic quality there. It's all slammed right in the center and buried in the mix as a result. Has a nice roomy sound, but unfortunately, drums are a bitch to mix live -- need a ton of good mics and have to arse around with panning and mixing them well.
There was also a little distortion on the mix itself where it peaks in places. Clap a master limiter on there.
Vocals are precisely the redeeming quality of this piece.
Oh snap, you do 8-bit too? Awesome.
I'm really liking your sound design. Making famitracker sing.
Whatever sounds like smacking a dryer in my left ear would probably be better in both the left and right channels. Is that your kick drum... or a tom?
Good writing, but recording quality is a little off. Sounds too gained up going into the DAW. Drums sound like the mics are too hot and getting red-lined at the intake as well. Then again reminds me of being in a bar that's way too loud. The bass actually sounds clean. I dig that.
Interesting dueling solos. Basically, a great song screwed by the equipment or the mix.
Clean intro. Mixing on the vocals is pretty good, but it's a little bit too loud and seems to be in the wrong key. Did you take someone else's acapella and work around it? If not for that strange accidental thing going on, I'd give an extra star. Tip, if you have a vocoder software or something similar, you can make whoever you want sing whatever melody you want. I recommend iZotope Vocal Synth.
Also the transition in the middle kinda wigged me out. Very sudden. It eventually resolved nicely, but then there was that strange thing with the vocals. Interestingly, after that, the only notes that really bugged me after were on the words "(begg)ing you," "and true," and "you do." Take that up or down a semitone and it'd be basically fixed.
BradoSanz gave me the acapella and told me to make a song out of it, so the acapella was made before the music was made. Thanks for the review and tips!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06