I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

делаю хиты 8)



Joined on 9/3/06

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6y 8m 8d


I'll do my best. :D

Awesome. See ya in the review section :P

Btw, have you checked out the form? Not many people filled it out last time. I didn't exactly give a big enough hint that it was slightly important, but I'm disorganized enough that it kinda is lol

As will I.

Glad to hear it. <3

Also, hope you're doing well. I've been such a busy bee lately that I hardly recall if we've checked in properly!

@ADR3-N I've not been too bad lately, but very up and down.

Likewise, actually. Kind of stressed out between the usual things. And my memory is going down the tubes, lol. But if you need a vent, my inbox is always open :)

OH by the way, while I'm here, I absolutely loved that preview you sent me. Has it been released?

@ADR3-N Which, Ocurp Omnis? Not yet, but it is close to being fully mixed and mastered.

Yep, that's the one. I don't think you've sent me any other preview tracks. Awesome. I'll keep a lookout.

There's something else I wanted to ask, but I forgot. I'll poke you if I remember -- it's absurdly late here, if you can't guess, haha. Catch ya around!

@ADR3-N All filled out and submitted, I think. Unless there's a different form I should be aware of.

I'll check. Thanks!

Done, I filled out the form.


Btw, I'm half through writing a response to your PM. Having one of those brain farts

So... this will be going for a while right, not all submissions today? Don't think I've ever really been involved in this... alright. I'm down! :) Sounds like a good cause; good incentive; probably lotsa good music to listen in on too (and music's definitely the one thing I usually review too little of too).

Oh yeah, no real rush. The submissions will be coming in from today to July 8th, then the judging commences. I may post updates in between with all the entires either by alphabetical order, by genre, or in series. If playlists will embed in newsposts, that'll be a thang.

Will try to set dates to remind myself to do that... I'm running on fumes atm. Had a one hour nap basically and am getting ready for a job interview. Don't even know what time I was supposed to get up because I'm relying on someone else for a ride lol.

Cool. :) And yeah that'd be cool! Plan to start checking in on the main topic via the frontpage in a while otherwise; maybe bookmark that. But noficiations are smooth. Also leaving on vacation July 7 so that's just perfect. :D Might catch just about all of them, so long as it's not just an impossible amount to keep up with...

What a day! XD Good luck with that job interview tho! And really: feel free to keep napping. Don't let us keep you up.

I see no reason why it should be any more than 100 (unlike the NGADM) unless this is a spectacularly big year or something. Iunno, @RealFaction might correct me there. He's been at it longer than me. I just recall AIM wasn't a shrimpy compo last time around, but it was spread out enough that the judging wasn't a daunting process. The final push toward the deadline is always crazy though, ofc.

Man, I can't sleep now, haha. I may as well just get up. I set an alarm for 5:30 AM but woke up I suppose providentially about 2 minutes before the preceeding two alarms (which I set to 5:28 and 5:29 respectively), and I did pray to be woken up -- because I usually sleep through alarms. Something tells me I need to be awake LOL.

Sounds manageable then. :)

Oh three DIFFERENT alarms? That's pretty intense! Sounds like you probably aren't getting enough sleep overall if it's that hard to wake up. I usually just set the one, and any particularly important day still wake up one or two hours before it. -_-' Shan't complain though! Def happy to wake up when I'm supposed to, even if the side-effect's a bit tiring.

Hahah, I'd say you're right, but it's more like I get too much sleep and have a wonky schedule. Although whenever I have something I know I need to do, I wake up right on time or a while before, like you mentioned. I also usually pray about that sort of thing because getting up on time just isn't me LOL

Sleep a week; stay awake a week? ;) Well whatever works! Seems like we have some kind of internal clock when that happens - just doesn't always seem to be set for the right time.

Hahah, I haven't tried that yet. Sounds dangerous!

And absolutely. I usually find that I have to force myself to go to bed in order to right my schedule. I've got my alarms going off at 5:30 in the mornings now so I should be set to be an early bird soon!

Sure, I can help you out with the record management. Besides keeping a list of members, what information would you like to track from month to month? Do you have a spreadsheet or something you'd like to automate? Please PM me all the gory details, and I'll see what I can cobble together for you!

Oh thank you!

I'll send you a PM with the spreadsheet but @ChronoNomad will have to add your email to the list so you can edit it.

Hah yeah, better not voluntarily embark into such sleep-depriving experiments. XD

A new job forcing those drastic morning routines? I keep trying to force in earlier routines, but it always goes back to 9-10 anyway. If it's not obligatory: seems impossible. Though would be nice getting home before sunset...

I think if you miss 2 weeks of sleep or something like that, you spontaneously start having microsleeps, and if you can't get that, you sort of keel over and die.

Actually no, not yet -- BUT I know if I don't start getting up early, I'll start sleeping in until 5 PM, which is a problem. What time do you usually get up?

Huh, that's... scary. O_O Good to know though.

Aha. What a world of extremes with regard to wake-up times though! XD Well I usually get up around 9-10. The earlier I get up the earlier I get (to and thus) home from work (on the days I work), but my schedule's flexible. A few days I manage to push it back to eight but... then comes the weekend. Just can't seem to keep an early routine.

Yeah, I did some research; it's highly likely you'll just become depressed, angry, and sick during the extended wake period, and instead of dying, just microsleep at horrible times and/or konk out when your body reaches its limit. You can have heart attacks, strokes, or etc. over the duration, though, so I just wouldn't risk it.

Also, it will ruin your sleep pattern for weeks.

You've got me curious about your work! Are you a salesman by chance? Have I asked before?

I managed to wake up at 5 but actually got up at 10 this morning. I'm getting there!

9-10 AM, btw, if there's any uncertainty.

Hmm feel like I've probably read up on the topic earlier too. Good to know though!

Or for a very, very, long duration of time if you lack the discipline to turn it around! XD Have been wondering if some people are just naturally night owls, or if it really is a matter or habit and circumstance. Certain preconditions of living that make it so that you like the night better; don't fall asleep just as easy....

Well, about my work: part-time webshop admin for a small car parts company. :) Not sure if you've asked but I don't think I've written about it in a while now. It's 3-4 days a week, usually 6-7 hours a day depending on what needs to be done/how late I sleep. We have meetings every Wednesday, and I'm supposed to work 16 hours each week, but other than that my schedule's pretty much mine to manage and more is OK. Really really appreciate that freedom; especially being able to work the start of one week and the end of the next sometimes to fit in some form of vacation/other stuff between. It's almost like being freelance I guess. :)

Oh hey sounds almost like you're getting the same habits as me! XD If you didn't have them already. Definitely a start! Waking up's easy, but getting up, ugh...

It's worth noting I do have a little bit of a sleep disorder. Circadian rhythms are way off, so I kind of have to force myself to sleep.

That sounds pretty cool. I wonder if I would do better with that sort of job or one with a daily schedule. I do love very strict routines.

Same! I wake up at the drop of a hat but I never want to roll out of bed!

Yep, if @byteslinger sends me a PM with her email address, I'll be happy to add her to the spreadsheet permissions. ^__^

Incidentally, I did away with the quarterly option for the yearly breakdown in lieu of a monthly one. The newest members have also been added to the roster.

Awesome! Additionally I will need to make an announcement that the group will have its own discord channel for AIM stuff. I'll get on tomorrow. I think Real may be just waiting on you and me to pop on over

Yeah, I'll be hopping on that tomorrow, myself. Hope to see you there!

Time and discipline enough, or sleeping pills? Unless I'm really tired I do have to wait a while too. Wind down. Focus... on nothing... seems like when you start intentionally moving and thinking slower it gets easier...

Oh no... strict routines. XD Do understand their benefit but: freedom!!! It is this fundamental living trait which I most crave.

Best get a more uncomfortable bed. ;)

It's more like, even when I'm exhausted, my mind is still zooming, and I can get distracted. The only way I can get to sleep is forcing myself to listen to a lecture or something, or starting to daydream.

I feel. To me, I suppose I'm free to follow a routine of my choosing, haha.

My bed /is/ uncomfortable, but I can sleep standing up!

is there a format for what the reviewer should follow? Or people free to review what they think is appropriate?

As long as there's some constructive feedback, at your leisure. Preferably talk about the mixing, writing, instrumentation, etc.

Mmm yeah, daydreaming works too. Depending on the daydraem.

Well that's true. :) One of my bigger fears is just getting stuck in a cubicle I can't get out of. Nine to five. Same old same old week in and out, day after day... feels like a prospect of creative death.

Haha oh man. XD I thought only horses could do that! And similarly four-legged animals... maybe possible to sleep on all fours though hmm, gotta try sometime...

Yeah I feel that too. I did hate the tedium of school day in day out, tbh. Would take lots of sick days during the winter because it was so cold. I'm glad you've got a job where you're not just stuck!

There's actually a video of EMCC band, the promo, where I was sleeping at attention! I've also slept in class with my eyes open, propped up on the desk LOL. I even thanked my teacher for letting me nap!

I'm not sure sleeping on all fours would work, but I could try.

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