Since I'm taking a break and I just found out that I am psychic (and possibly psychotic, lol) I thought I'd share this with you guys. Jill and I were playing a game since she was reading about psychic abilities and she dared me to either guess what she was thinking, or try to give her a mental message without moving or doing anything.
At first I tried to do the latter and basically thought, 'well, I'll try, but I'm telling you, this'll never work', she said, "Are you sure?" I thought she didn't even notice that I hadn't said anything because she was still reading, but then I thought, 'lucky guess. I guess the chick knows me better than I thought'
I tried again, just to make sure, then sure enough, when I had finished, she looked up and said, "You think bunnies are cute? Wow, how random and unexpected... So, what's next, you gonna read my mind or what?"
I said yes and then she started thinking, and yet again, I was suprised... and I learned that Jill loves boxers and lowcut socks... and abs... and lots of other stuff... Needless to say, when I told her EXACTLY what she was thinking, she was a bit freaked out, but not too much.
So, here I am now, telling you guys because I'm pretty sure that even if both Jill and I told anyone else, nobody'd believe us. Anywho, to see if I really was psychic, I went on IE and looked up some psychic tests, just to make sure this wasn't a fluke, partly because of the incident with the haunted house and all the crazy shit I've been seeing, and I turned up this. Check it out and post your score.
My best score: 16/16
Worst score: 13/16
Average: 14.5/16