Lapland... Finland? My geography is pretty American and it shows aha. I can feel the cold in this piece, in contrast to fiery :P
I always appreciate the dynamics and brooding air to your work. That's fire indeed. The balance of this piece is feeling spot on throughout. Perhaps I'd like a bit less long tail 1000 dB bass drum and a modern punctuated decay there. Bringing it up so it isn't hiding as much underneath may assist some, or perhaps more variation in velocity.
The only thing that holds me back from giving a higher score for this piece is that after a certain point I don't feel we progress much, until 3:09 which feels more like a build than an outro. I think some degree of this is the percussion remains at about the same intensity throughout the remainder of the track. The result is that we start strong and I feel sit at the same level. Perhaps the intro and first half can be made quieter to make it feel more as if we have room to grow.
Beyond that, I'm stunned with your ability to push out banger after banger thus far. Great work!