EDM364's AP Modcast #15
Updates: Name change! Figured NGAPMD was a little obscure. This podcast covers Feb 14th through April 29th, with an additional announcement courtesy EGSC @Byteslinger and myself, on behalf of the Elite Guard Barracks. Temporary departure from typical format.
Details: In this cast, I cover the usual personal life, mod statistics, hopes and dreams, as well as my promotion to Elite Guard Barracks RECO (Recruitment Officer) and the relevant ROTC program. For this podcast, I also scored an ambient piece. Got tired of just slapping on an mp3 I'd already submitted. If anyone wants, I can submit it separately. As an exercise in trying not to over edit, I left in my stutters and only cut out silences where I had to scroll to remember what I was talking about.
Been having some problems with equipment. As a result, I sound like some of the female krogan in ME Andromeda, complete with my usual flat affect. Not intentional. Also need to get back down into my dungeon where I have my recording setup.
Stats: 178 Removals. Ban statistics, n/a. 176/178 removals were Geometry Dash related.
Milestones: 3k removals total since Dec. 16, 2016. This averages to 22.674 removals per day since.
Subscriptions: @BlueAlpha14 @CyberDevil @littlemisfortune @maorrichan @RealFaction @Xtrullor
Thank you!
Weren't you and I supposed to do this podcast? I thought you couldn't due to computer problems.
We were but I hadn't heard back from you after I got my pc fixed. It's been a whirlwind of things. We were going to talk about how best to spot theft and whatnot, right?